The Evil Flower King (Queen)

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Meanwhile, in a castle, in a throne room there lived a evil flower king (queen) who happens to be really a wicked witch flower named "Evil Cagney Carnation" and he had a magic mirror and a huntsman. Evil Cagney Carnation went to his magic mirror to ask Mirror Devil to see who was fairest one in either of the inside or the outside of his castle.

Evil Cagney Carnation: Mirror Mirror on the Wall. Who is the fairest one of them all?

Mirror Devil: Oh, Evil Cagney. You are the fairest one of them all.

Evil Cagney Carnation: Yes! And that's the way it's supposed to be.

Evil Cagney was very happy to know that he was the fairest of them all, but just as Snow Mugman was getting older just like his family, Mirror Devil knew that now Snow Mugman is the fairest one of them all not Evil Cagney Carnation anymore.

So, back at castle, Mirror Devil had bad news to tell Evil Cagney Carnation and he knew that it will not make him happy at all.

Mirror Devil: Oh, Evil Cagney. I got bad news for you.

Evil Cagney Carnation: What?! What kind of bad news Mirror?

Mirror Devil: You are no longer the fairest one of them all.

Evil Cagney Carnation: What?! Who could possibly be the fairest one of them all now?!

Mirror Devil: Oh, Evil Cagney Carnation. You are not as smart as me. But Snow Mugman is now the fairest one of them all.

Mirror Devil showed Evil Cagney Carnation the outside of his castle of Snow Mugman outside of his family's castle singing along with a couple of blue birds and that made Evil Cagney Carnation cross.

Evil Cagney Carnation: What?! Him?! How can this be?! I must do something about this. I have to get myself to be the fairest one again.

Mirror Devil turned back to his face on the mirror, and he is going to ask Evil Cagney Carnation of how he was going to make himself the fairest one again.

Mirror Devil: And how will you do? Dare I asked.

Evil Cagney Carnation: Well, first things first. I need to get rid of his parents and then I have to find a way to kill him.

So, Evil Cagney Carnation started to think of a plan that will probably help him and to make himself the fairest one of them all again. Then finally an idea popped up in his head and now he knows what to do that will help him out.

Evil Cagney Carnation: Yes, I have a plan and I know what to do here.

Since Mirror Devil heard his master's plan, he wants to know now of what his plan is that will make Evil Cagney Carnation the fairest one again.

Mirror Devil: What's your plan master?

Evil Cagney Carnation: Well, the first part of the plan is that I am going to trick Snow Mugman's parents into locking them up in the high tower, then the second part of the plan is that I am going to have Hunts Henchman to kill Snow Mugman for me and then I'll become the fairest one of them all again. *evil laughing*

Mirror Devil: Oh, I like how this is going to go.

Evil Cagney Carnation: Exactly right mirror. Hunts Henchman!

Hunts Henchman comes running in while panting to catch his breath as he got to his master and Mirror Devil.

Hunts Henchman: Yes boss.

Evil Cagney Carnation: Well, you see Hunts Henchman. I used to be the fairest one of them all until Snow Mugman took that away which is why I want you to kill him for me after I lock up his parents in the high tower.

Hunts Henchman: *gasps* You want to kill that innocent child?!

Evil Cagney Carnation: Yes! And as your boss I command you to kill Snow Mugman for me! Understand?!

Huntsman: *sighs* Yes boss.

Evil Cagney Carnation: *evil chuckles* That's more like it. Now let's go over plan.

So, Evil Cagney Carnation huddled up with Hunts Henchman, and he explained the whole entire plan to him and he really hopes that the plan will work.

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