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Art above isn't mine! I found it on Pinterest and it was posted by Huckka!

Words : 1,900+

Whiteout's POV

Turns out that flying straight up for miles on end is way harder then she thought while carrying someone. Halfway she had to cast a water breathing spell on the guy so he's be able to withstand the thin air. She didn't know why that worked but it did.

She landed on the ground of her home land, tossing Katakuri's unconscious body down.

He'll be fine... Maybe.

She looked around, noticing the townsfolk in the distance. She lifted Katakuri back up and put him over her shoulder before starting to walk.

He should be unconscious until i put him in the infirmary at least.

Townsfolk who noticed her immediately dropped to their knees in worship, which she scoffed at.

I never did like the worship. It's really stupid to be honest.

She continued walking before she got to the palace in the center of the archipelago, walking inside where she was met by guards. Obviously, the guard let her in without hesitation. She walked down to the throne room, where the king, Igoroth, was on his throne talking to a servant. As soon as he spotted her and Katakuri, shooed the servant away and turned to her. "Ahh, my daughter, how nice of you to show up."

"I've told you not to call me that." She grumbled.

"Right, right. Now, what's with the corpse?"

"Not a dead body this time, sorry, i know you're sooo disappointed." She said sarcastically as she set Katakuri down. "Get a good look at his face. He's gonna be with me for a while so make sure the guards can recognize him enough to know not to attack him."

"Got it." Igoroth said dismissively, waving over one of the guards.

Oh how I hate that guy.

She grabbed Katakuri and put him back on her shoulder, walking off to her room. She got there and set Katakuri down on the bed.

Why hasn't he waken up yet?

She sighed softly as she realized she'd have to cast another spell, pulling some energy out of the Spiritual Realm and casting the spell. A few seconds later, Katakuri woke up with a start, sitting up and looking around frantically.

"You're in my room." Whiteout said casually.

"Wait, so I'm in your secret islands?!" Katakuri exclaimed, making sure he heard right.

"Hey, no, I know what you're thinking. You aren't leaving my room unless I'm with you." She commanded, pointing a talon at him.

He let out an annoyed huff. "Boring."

Wait, what? Kinda childish reaction.

She thought that with a chuckle, confusing Katakuri. "Oh, don't worry about it." She said that and immediately got an idea. "Hey, come on, I wanna show you something!" She said excitedly, grabbing his wrist and pulling him up, running out the door with him.

"Wait, wait, where are we going?!" He half shouted as he ran after her.

A cafe.

"You'll see!" She replied, not telling him. Whiteout led him to outside the palace, but Katakuri was confused when the townsfolk bowed to her.

"Wait, wait, why is everyone bowing?" He asked, still running after her.

"I'm their god, duh!" She said, running backwards before turning forwards and leading him to the cafe, stopping abruptly before talking inside. She let go of his wrist, knowing he'd follow without questions. He did just that, sitting down beside her when she sat down at a table. A waiter walked up to them. 

From A Myth To Reality (Katakuri x Whiteout)Where stories live. Discover now