1. New Game Start

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Sometimes the portals opened beside the Heroes, inviting them to travel through time and space at their leisure. Other times, they came out of nowhere, sucking them all through before they could even react. This time, unfortunately, it was the later. One moment, the eight of them were travelling through a forest in Twilight's time, the next moment, they were tripping and falling on top of one another in an open field. 

"Din-dang-damnit!" Legend cursed after he had faceplanted right into the mud. His poor luck hadn't quite run out yet though, because in the moment following, a child fell right onto him and almost made his head go right back in the mud again.

"Whoops, sorry!" Wind, chuckled as he quickly got up from the cursing teen. He brushed himself off before offering Legend a hand.

"Whatever." He dismissed, getting up without the help of the other. He tried his best to blindly wipe the mud off of him. (Seriously, out of everyone, why did it have to be him?)

"Everyone alright?" Time asked as he helped up the smallest member of the group, who had also fallen to the ground.

"I'll be alright." Four assured as he rolled his shoulder. He would be sore with that kind of landing, but he had landed much worse before, during the heat of battle no less.

"I landed fine." Twilight assured, thankfully having landed on his feet. "Wars? Sky?" He looked over to the remaining two Heroes, the former of which had found himself tangled in the branches of a tree. The latter was doing what he could to help him out.

"Not the worst landing we've had." Wars only shook his head as he dropped down. Despite his words, he couldn't help but glare at a stray stick that had chosen to stick to his sleeve rather than the tree it had just been attached to. Annoying that they couldn't have just gone through as though they were merely walking, each one ending up on their feet. But what he said was true; this wasn't nearly the worst landing they had.

"Just whose era is this, anyway?" Legend asked, having had finished wiping off the mud mostly off of himself. The first thing he had noticed after dealing with all that yuck was the sight of far away islands in the sky. "Is it yours, Sky?"

"No, I don't think so." Sky shook his head as he stared up at the otherwise clear blue horizon. As the group stared on, a chunk of something from these heavens noticeably began to grow larger.

"Wait— is that thing—??" Four began.

"Everyone run!!" Wind shouted before the group scrambled away from one another, just in time for the giant piece of rock to fall to the surface where they previously had been standing the moment prior.

"Nope, this is definitely not my era." Sky confirmed. "Does anyone have things falling from the sky?" He looked from person to person, but each one shook their head.

"Must be a new era, then." Time summarized. "Or something is very seriously wrong in one of ours."

"Great. Just great. Because eight wasn't enough apparently..." Legend only sighed, his eyes scanning over their unfamiliar surroundings. But as his eyes registered an even more absurd sight behind them all, he nearly froze in place, his eyes widening. "Uh, guys? Is that--?" He swallowed, unable to finish as he pointed at what he saw.

"Hyrule Castle?" Came Roolie's almost whisper. It was a harrowing sight-- most of the building had been completely uprooted from the ground, floating on a sky island. Even from where they stood, they could see how thick, stickly waves of red and black waves of gloom oozed from the uprooted ground. It wafted in the air surrounding it, encasing the castle further. Pieces of the castle were visibly broken off from where they were, miles away, and as they all starred, another piece cracked right off.

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