I will find A way...

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Prof. Red Pov-

I watched in Horror as Void steve Sent Light into The Crater. Running I got to the Edge and reached out to him, Even though I knew I was to late. Void Laughed Behind Me as He struck The Area Where Light Was, Destroying whatever was left of him. Anger Filled My bones as I looked up.

"What are You Going to Do Goggles?" He asked as He Laughed. Louis Came Charging Up as He stopped Laughing and Growled. "I'll be Back."

he teleported himself And toxin Out of there As I Looked Back to where Light was. All that was Left Was the Light Crystal and His Sword. Climbing down, And Ignoring Louis's Questions I picked Up the Items as I felt Something Wet trail down My face. Tears. I was Crying and light was Gone.

"Professor what's wro- O-oh..." He said as He noticed what I was Holding. "W-what happened?"

"Void killed him..." I Mumbled before Sobbing. He was Gone. Right before My vary eyes The person who got me Friends again and Was A friend died. I hated Void so Much.

"I-i." Louis wasn't even able to finish his Sentence when He started Crying as well. Cliff would not like this News and neither would snowy. I Handed The sword To Louis and Started walking to where I knew Cliff was. He had been Resting when Void attacked. So had Light.

"Oh hey Profes- Is that the Light Crystal...?" Cliff asked so Quietly That you Could hear a Pin Drop. Everyone Looked at me and Looked shocked.

"H-He's Gone... Void K-killed him..." I Managed through Tears Before Handing the now Crying Cliff The crystal. He looked at me With Grateful eyes.

"T-Thank Y-you for b-being Honest..." He whispered as I walked Away towards My Lab. I'd Find a Way to bring him back. I Promise.

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