Chapter 12: flashback

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Reverse : you're forced to act like that.


My brain is full of songs help me I might drown WAA-


Reverse : heh, if you want to, I could piggyback you like a toddler.

Boboiboy : nooooo!!!

Reverse : can we be your brothers then?

Boboiboy : the whole elements?! No! I don't want any brothers, especially like yo- ACK!

Somehow, there is a string around boboiboy's neck.the end of the string is on reverse's hand. reverse pulled it before boboiboy could refuse what reverse wanted.

Reverse : you don't want trouble, right?

Boboiboy : i-

Then the string transform into a red chain. Reverse pulled the chain pulling boboiboy more closer to reverse. Face to face.

Reverse : me and the elements are strong ones here. You're just a human with no destiny of life. Let US control your life. So, do you WANT to be free and finally achieve your main goal?

Boboiboy : I.. I'll think about it.

Reverse just smile but in his own feelings, he's really very angry to boboiboy because reverse doesn't want boboiboy to refuse anything like help or something from any of the elements or even himself.


In a living room, tok aba's house, on earth. (Tok aba is currently out of city)

There is TTM playing with their powers, reverse and boboiboy are sitting on a chair. Eating some curry. (I WANT SOME PLEASE)

boboiboy is actually shaking right now. If they know, they will definitely do it. Or on other words, he's in danger.

Taufan : wait- SO WE CAN DO ANYTHING ?!

Thorn : i want to make big plant dinosaurus for earth's suprise!!

Blaze : did boboiboy accept it????!!

Boboiboy : yes.. I did.

Blaze : oh oh im gonna burn the buildings!!!

The TTM get out of the living room and tell the others while Boboiboy and reverse are eating their PRECIOUS SPECIAL CURRY- (I want someeee)

Reverse : ya want to talk about it?

Boboiboy : no..

Reverse : don't think about those pests. They're just a burden to your life.

Boboiboy : I'm trying to but, they are special..

Reverse : is there any ways to get them out of your head?

Boboiboy : eh don't worry about it

Reverse : uhuh..

Then, a scream is heard from outside.

Boboiboy : what the heck was that?!

Boboiboy stand up, approach and looks to the window. It looks like a group was murdered. Boboiboy put his hand to his mouth, pupils are shrunken. Disgusted by the blood. While Shaking in fear, reverse spoke up.

Reverse : it's probably the elements doing. Are you okay? You looked like you're traumatized.

Boboiboy : I..

Boboiboy let out a little tear from one of his eyes. He closed his eyes as he is praying that everyone will be okay. His pupils are back to normal. He put his hand down off his mouth.

Boboiboy : im okay. Im just..

Reverse : you have to be the villain for once, boboiboy. That is the main plot of every fictional story.

Boboiboy : I just can't bear with it. I'm the galaxy hero..

Reverse : you are. But you have to let that dream go. You're not like your father. You're like your mother. Just a human.

Boboiboy : then why do I have you? Did I get you from retakka?

Reverse : I still don't yet, *leans on the chair* the only thing I know my power originates to you.

Boboiboy : then what IS your power?

Reverse : that'll be in the future. I will reveal it when we are done with wrapping earth's little gift.

Boboiboy turn around to look to reverse.Hands in his arms.

Boboiboy : and when will that is done?

Reverse : when we catch the tapops team.


So shortttt like me. (I'm literally shorter than Boboiboy.) I'm running out of vocabularies help- also, I'm currently making a short animation. Now, about my school homework... I don't know maybe I can just copy from my friend tbh. Story notepad? More like the whole main plot lol. The actual main plot is in my brain. Scientists say that a human has 10000+ TB of storage/memory, meanwhile i only have 20 GB of storage/memory. I'm cracking up. I WANT NOODLES SO BAD-

Attention! Boboiboy is owned and originated by Animonsta Studios/Monsta! None of the characters are mine!!

700 words.

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