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Max cade:Hes a year younger than johnny so 15

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Max cade:
Hes a year younger than johnny so 15. Hes absued as well like his brother. He doesnt live with johnny though. Hes a greaser but refuses to go to rumbles. He realized hes gay when he played spin the bottle and it landed on steve. He was scared to come out to the gang but when he did come out they all supporoted him and told him "we support you kid". Johnny was so happy that his brother was comfurtable to come out to the gang.

 Johnny was so happy that his brother was comfurtable to come out to the gang

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Lilac warrick: shes abused by her father. Her mother was a greaser and her father is a soc so he made her become a soc and date randy. She met pony in a library and helped pony, soda and alex get away from bob and randy so they didnt get hurt. She pushed dally out of the way before he got shot by either bob or randy she got shot in the stomach. She ended up getting with soda. Yes she technically cheated on randy but he did it to her so many times and acted like she wasnt his girlfriend

 Yes she technically cheated on randy but he did it to her so many times and acted like she wasnt his girlfriend

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Alex winston: shes well female version of dally. Dally hated that she started dating darry but ended up getting used to it.

 Dally hated that she started dating darry but ended up getting used to it

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Rose ray:
Shes very distracted and loves looking at guys. She wears bobs shirts when she can. Shes NOT nice. She hates cherry and has tried hurting her before. She also hates lilac and tried KILLING her.

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