14. i dont believe it, he wouldnt!

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014 ; STARTING. Gore.

"You should sleep, you have stress under your eyes." Dazai chimed, taking a drag of the cigarette in his hand, nursing it. The smell a familiar scent to those who grew accustomed to it. "I'm good, I just cant sleep." She says, stretching her back before handing him her skateboard. "You want me to try?" Dazai questions, this had been a daily thing at night, their shitty sleeping habits gnawing away at them so they spent the night until exhaustions eat them alive and they eventually cave in to slumber.

"It's fun, try it." Kicking it over him on the concrete ground with a cheeky grin, he raises a brow before giving into her. He presses the lit cigarette onto the risen stone and putting it out before he raised one of his long lanky legs onto the skateboard and then the other — instantly regretting his choice as it rolled back and fro, he was inexperienced with this, trying to balance himself properly to not make a fool of himself though failing once it had slid too far and caused him to fall onto his rear.

He yelped, grumbling muffled curses and rubbing his backend to try and alleviate the pain that was the price of trying to look cool. "This isn't fun at all!" He whined, voicing out his unhappiness and pain. "That's because you suck at this, you loser." She grins, lifting the skateboard and getting on it and cheekily moving around him. "It's easy, see?" She says, showing a little trick as she stepped and placed more pressure on the edge and did a little twirl whilst she was on it.

"That's because you make it look easy, is this a hobby of yours?" He questions, getting up from the ground and wiping the dust off of his blackened, patting it away. "Nah, Suguru taught me this. But It was pretty easy." She says, mentioning Suguru again. "Your bestfriend? You have me oddly curious about him, what's he like." Dazai decides to ask, leaning against the wall.

"I know for a fact if Suguru never met me he'd be so emo, I mean I basically brightened his life and made it even better, I don't think I could ever hate him and he can definitely not hate me I mean — who hates me??" She shrugs, chuckling and then leaning back and getting off of the skateboard and holding it against her rib. "I think there's something going on in his head but he always denies it, but I won't ask again, I trust Suguru and i know wouldn't lie to me." Y/N finished.

"Hmm..you both are close, how would you feel if he left you?" He queried, a silly question he supposed but it didn't matter. He wanted to know. "I'm confident he wouldn't leave, but I'll be fine."

Dazai hums, placing his hands in the pockets of his dark trench coat. She would feel lost and she knew it, and lost she was.


"Huh?" Y/N turns her head to stare at Shoko who was looking at her through narrowed eyes whilst taking a drag of her cigarette. "You heard me Gojo..Suguru he-" Y/N cuts her off with a laugh of disbelief, brows furrowed and she smiled annoyed for sure.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐒𝐓 ?! ೀ FEMGOJO!READER X BSDWhere stories live. Discover now