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Taylor's POV

Today's the day. Lyla's going to be attending my show today. I felt nervous, but excited. I wanted to do good today, especially since she would be watching.

This whole morning I went over with the details about what was going to happen with Lyla. I wanted to make sure that she would be protected and safe at all times since she was arriving alone. I had my security on the look out at her seat to be able to move her to the tent right away. Hopefully she would agree to it, I mean I don't think I'd ever have a fan decline.

"You sure about this, Taylor?" Mom asked, looking at me through the mirror as we started on my makeup.

"Positive," I replied.

I heard my mom sigh as she sat down on the couch. There were only a few people in my dressing room at the moment, my makeup artist, Tree, and my mom. I made sure to keep it low profile on Lyla, I don't trust everyone.

"What about her parents?" Mom asked.

"Fuck them," I replied, staring straight ahead. I know I sounded harsh, but I honestly didn't care. The absolute anger I have against Lyla's parents right now was unreal. I wanted to take them to court right when I found out.

I could feel my heart basically beating out of my chest when we finally finished hair and makeup. As I was putting my boots on, Tree hurried into the room.

"Lyla arrived, they're bringing her to the tent," Tree smiled. I let out a sigh of relief, glad that she arrived safely.

"Thanks," I smiled back at her.

I knew my parents were out there, I wondered if they already saw Lyla or even spoke to her. I know my mom was dying to finally see her in person.

"Okay, get in the cart," Tree instructed and I saw into the cleaning cart, surrounding myself in darkness after shutting the door.

I could feel the crowds cheering get louder, meaning I was getting closer to the stage.

Come on Taylor, you can do this. Do it for her.

I hurried out of the cart once I was out of sight and ran over to my place underneath the stage. I was met once again by Tree who ran over to me, short of breath.

"Just got the message that your mom and Lyla are hitting it off well. Andrea said that she's everything she imagined," Tree said, reading off her phone.

I felt tears in my eyes, but I couldn't cry right now; there was no time for that. Hearing my queue, we all got positioned, ready to start the show.


Lyla's POV

I didn't know what the heck was happening. Right as I arrived at my seat, these security guards were asking me if I wanted to go sit in the tent with the rest of Taylor's family and friends. Why me?

"You must be Lyla!" I heard a voice behind me as I stared at the humongous stage in front of me. The tent definitely had a better view.

When I turned around, I was shocked to see Mama Swift right in front of me, of course she would be here. I reached out my hand to her, but she giggled and quickly pulled me into a hug which I easily relaxed into.

"We're going to make sure you have an amazing time tonight," she smiled at me.

Right there, I remembered my bracelets. I quickly reached into my bag, pulling out the three bracelets I made for Andrea, Scott, and Taylor.

"Did you make these?" Andrea asked, looking at the bracelets with a loving expression.

I nodded my head as she continued to look at them and then placed them all on her wrist. I can't believe my bracelets actually made it to her. She continued to show me around the tent, showing the food selection and also introducing me to the guards and some members of Taylor Nation who were around. Everyone was so friendly towards me.

"It's starting, sit, sit!" Andrea smiled, pointing to the chairs as she hopped into her seat and I sat beside her.

Just in the next few seconds, I was experiencing the best moment in my entire life. The sound that came out of my mouth when Taylor appeared on stage was definitely not normal.

"She's waving at you!" Andrea yelled as she pointed towards the stage where Taylor was staring directly at me. I felt like collapsing.

Throughout the whole night, I continued to dance my heart out. I sang along to all the words with Andrea and Scott even recorded us with his flash on, blinding me a few times. The vibe of the crowd was immaculate and the fact that Taylor took the time to interact with me while she was on stage a couple times was everything and more. I didn't know how it could get better than this.

"How are you getting home?" Andrea asked as we danced along to 'Karma'.

"My parents are outside, they've been waiting the whole time," I replied. I felt bad that my mom couldn't join in on the fun, she would have the time of her life.

Andrea's eyes started wandering elsewhere when I mentioned that they were outside. When the show ended and Taylor disappeared from the stage, Andrea asked if I wanted to follow her for a bit. I was debating if it was a good idea since I promised my parents I would meet them outside right when it ended.

"It won't take long, we'll even have someone escort you outside afterwards," Andrea said as I followed her to the back.

We stopped at a black door where Andrea knocked two times and opened it. I stood behind her, afraid I wasn't supposed to be here.

"I have someone you've been wanting to meet," Andrea said walking into the room.

I stopped in my tracks when I saw Taylor standing there, wiping her face with a towel. I guess she was in the process of changing her clothes, so Andrea and I sat on the couch for a while.

"Lylaaaa" Taylor sang, dragging out my name as she stepped out in a new pair of clothes. I stared at her, wondering if she was real.

"Oh my god," I whispered.

I felt her pull me into a tight hug as she swayed us back and forth. Her hugs felt like home.

"I'm so glad you could make it babe. What did you think of the show?" Taylor asked, staring me dead in the face.

I eagerly nodded my head, "It was amazing! The best of the best!", I exclaimed.

She chuckled as she pulled me in for another hug. I went to check the time on the phone when I saw all of the messages and missed calls coming in from my parents. Crap.

"I-I'm so s-sorry, I have to go, my parents are worried sick," I trembled, not wanting this moment to end at all.

Taylor's grip on me tightened as she rubbed my back, "Hey, don't worry. I'll have someone go out there to talk to them," she replied in a blank tone.

I stared at her, confused. I still couldn't believe this was happening to me. Taylor Alison Swift had her arms wrapped around me, talking to me.

"Lyla, how would you like to hang out with me for a while?" Taylor asked, pulling away from me to look me in the face.

Why would she want to hang out with me? Why does this also sound like a crime scene waiting to happen? Cut it out, Lyla, you watch too many of those. But anyways, who the heck would refuse to hang out with Taylor Swift?

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