When Did it Happen?

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       Hi!! Okay so I'm writing this at like 12:30 in the morning and I'm so energized for no reason. I wanted to say I do take requests for fics and ideas for future chapters. I don't rly know where I'm going with this but it's an emotional roller coaster🥲. So let's have fun?🤷‍♀️
Minho pov:

....5:55 a.m....the alarm clock next to me read 5;55 a.m. I woke up 5 minutes before my alarm rang and knowing I wouldn't get up after I just stayed awake. I looked past the clock and I saw his face. He looked so peaceful asleep. His blond curls all messy and tangled. His sharp features looking so relaxed in the dim light that radiated from the window next to his bed. His muscles evident as he was tightly hugging a pillow and wearing a black tank top that showed them off.

It was a miracle to see him sleep, he usually never did. Always busy with something or having his insomnia on high not letting him. Lately he's been sleeping a little more, it's made me feel calmer. Usually I'd wake up and he'd still have his headphones on working on a new piece or an assignment.

I sighed trying my best to get up without making a sound. I have a class early today but he won't be getting up till much later. I turned off my alarm and took one more glance at him. So perfect, so angelic, so far away. I haven't been able to properly admire him in so long. It's crazy to believe I neglected him so long ago and now he's all I want.

I shook away the thoughts. No point in them now. I grabbed my phone and went to the small bathroom in the dorm. Brushing my teeth and getting ready for the shower I heard my phone buzz.

Pig bin 🐷:
Hey hyung
I heard you had an early class today
I do too
Maybe we could walk there together?
How bout we meet up?
6:25? And get some food on the way?
Please don't ignore me again
I'll be at the dorm arch, see you there?

I turned it off and got into the shower. The warm water helping me collect my thoughts. He's just trying to be there and I'm being a coward. I turn off the shower and decide to text him back. Ignoring him for 2 weeks was terrible on my part and I should at least make up for it.

Bunny hyung:
Yea sure sounds good
We can hit up the cafe near the engineering center
I'll pay so order whatever you want
See u there
Read: 6:05 a.m

Walking out of the bathroom I heard a slight mumble. It was just Chan hyung moving in his sleep. I went to grab my things, but before I left I decided to put a note for hyung on the nightstand.

I have an early class today, can't walk with you. Stay safe.

I muttered to myself, leaving the note and walked to the arch. I saw Changbin standing there. It has been pretty cold lately so he had a thick hoodie, sweatpants, and his fluffy black hair all over the place. It looked as if he had just woken up and left the dorm.

It was tense walking to the cafe. We exchanged few words and talked of our roommates. He apologized. I told him not to, it wasn't his fault I was being a dick. When we reached the cafe I bought his favorites, a nice pink latte and a little pig pastry. I teased him saying it was him and he got mad and hit my shoulder. We laughed for a bit before leaving and parting ways.
Chan's pov:

A loud ringing woke me up and the sunlight from my window forced me from my bed. I tried to focus my eye sight on the empty bed in front of me. Strange....I didn't hear him get up. I stretched a bit and saw a note on the night stand.

"He has an early class? He never told me tho..."

Look don't get me wrong he doesn't have to tell me everything but he barely says anything to me these days. I don't even know why. It's not my fault....right? ....Never mind.

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