Chapter 3

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Tyler Ruhe watched as she drove away, her hair flowing in the wind. She wasn't just his neighbor, she was his friend since birth. Although the two were polar opposites, he couldn't help but think about the possibility of them together.

Running his fingers through his blonde hair, his lapis eyes scanned his room in hope for something to wear. Because it was the first day of school after all and he couldn't afford the immediate hatred from teachers.

"Tyler! Hon, how are you doing this morning?" His mom asked, knocking on the door and walking in.

Her hair, the same exact color of her son's, was tied back into a taught ponytail, her slim bodice dressed in exercise clothes, and a half full wine cooler in her hand.

He groaned,"Mom please get out of my room," he said and she put her hands up in defense.

"Geez sorry, I'll give you some guy space," she joked and stopped in the doorway,"I'm off to spin class, God knows I'll be needing this in order to listen to Miranda's complaints about her ass," she gestured to the alcohol in her hand.

He laughed and rolled his eyes,"Okay mom, have fun, and don't get too drunk, I hear those bikes in the spin class can be pretty risky," he joked and she waved as she left the house.

Contemplating whether to wear a baby blue polo or plaid dress shirt, he scratched his head and decided on wearing a plain white tee. Simple and plain, but he was a simple guy so he thought it was good not to push his limits. It wasn't enough to get Molly's attention but it was enough not to lose what he already had.

Ugh, he liked her so much it felt as if his heart was in his throat every time he laid his eyes on her or heard her laugh. But he had been marked with the disgraced "friend" label. Maybe this year would be different...

With a look at the clock he picked up his phone and called his best friend, knowing he was probably still in a deep slumber.

After a few rings it went straight to voicemail and he sighed,"Hey, dude where are you? It's the first day of school and you're my ride!" He said and hung up, realizing that instead of pulling up to school in style, he'd be forced to do so on his Schwin. He groaned, knowing it would most likely make him feel like a little kid.

Crossing his fingers that he'd make it on time, Tyler peddled away his mature pride and to school.

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