Part 1

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a/n - this is a fanfiction, so obviously none of the characters have any relation to anyone alive or dead. there will be smut, no triggers. the beautiful cover picture is not mine and all credit goes to the talented artist who made it.

Please also give my other stories a try, any comments will be appreciated

Taehyung (24, blond, bouncy hair, blue eyes) was so happy. After being a loner his entire life, he now had a boyfriend for over a year already and friends. In Taehyung's previous work he was not accepted. He was more beautiful than many girls even, which of course led to jealousy and some men just trying to get with him for one thing only. His life with his parents was not nice at all. Both of them had a bad reputation for shady dealings, being drunk and being troublemakers. They belittled their son often, humiliated him, telling him how he was a waste of space and a burden. No-one would want to be friends with him as he was openly gay. He started to believe them, believing that he was not likable, never mind lovable, oh and he so wanted to be loved. Finally, at 18, Taehyung could go and live with his grandma in another city. She loved him so much and slowly he started feeling better about himself. He started his new job at a big company 3 years ago and it was so different. No-one cared that he was gay. They saw this beautiful man with the soft heart as one of them, just a worker like everyone else. He made some friends, and after some time he even started dating the son of the CEO, Jeon Jungkook (27, black hair, piercings, tattoos, hot as hell, muscled). Jungkook treated him like a treasure, his friends all liked him, and he was truly happy. No one minded them dating, they knew Taehyung was a very hard worker and got the job on his own merits. Everything was wonderful, until one day...

Jungkook didn't meet him at the office entrance like usual, neither any of his other friends, instead he could hear his boyfriend's excited voice and deep laugh in the corridor. He could hear his other friends as well, all talking excitedly, and a female laugh heard every now and then. He turned the corner and saw them all standing with an unfamiliar girl, pretty face and black long hair, her arm through Jungkook's, her head against his arm. As he walked closer, none of the other's noticed him. Standing behind Jungkook it took Jin about a minute to notice him finally. "Tae hey, there you are (as if he would be anywhere else). This is Mina, our friend that moved away 3 years ago. She just returned from overseas." Mina looked behind Jungkook, seeing this incredibly beautiful boy. "Oh, hey, who are you?" Mina asked while still clinging to Jungkook's arm. Jungkook turned around, seeing his boyfriend. "Hey Tae (not love or baby or petal like always, no hugs or kisses), I didn't see you. Mina was part of our friend group growing up and now she is back. I am so happy. She is applying for a position here as well" The bunny smile said it all, Jungkook was indeed very happy. Tae only ever saw Jungkook smile at him like that. Taking a shaky breath, he greeted. "Hi Mina, pleased to meet you, I am Taehyung, Koo's boyfriend" Mina scoffed at that. "No way, my Kookie is straight, believe me, I know (with a wink), so yeah, no, you may be a boy and his friend, but not his boyfriend, Anyway, he is the next CEO and won't jeopardise that for a boy." Jungkook turned to Mina, still smiling. "Don't be rude, Boo, he is in fact my boyfriend, has been for a year already and everyone knows we are in a relationship." "But Kookie, you are straight, it is not nice to use someone like that, I know you were lonely without me, and I know these monkeys (pointing to the friend group) were not enough, but I am back now, so you can stop playing the gay man." Jungkook slowly took her arm out of his. "I am not playing at anything, Mina, Taehyung is my boyfriend, because I love him, and I am bi, you know that. Stop being rude, I don't want our first time all together again to be awkward. Now, let's go to the cafeteria to catch up." They all turned and walked away, not paying any further attention to Taehyung. Tae was left standing alone in the corridor. He did however see the smirk on Mina's lips as she looked back at him, her arm again going through Jungkook's.

"Bear, are you ok? I saw what happened." A voice brought Tae out of his thoughts. Turning around, he saw Wooshik, one of his other friends behind him. "Hey, hyung, yeah, I am ok, just confused, but I am fine." Wooshik's face told him he did not believe him, but he didn't push further.

They walked to their office together. Jungkook never came to him like usual, but he heard his voice and the girl's laugh all the time through the corridors.

At lunch time, Tae and Wooshik entered the cafeteria, only to see all the friends sitting with Mina, with her next to Jungkook, where Tae always sat. "Hey Tae, I asked Boo to sit with us today so we can all catch up, sure you won't mind." Jungkook looked at Mina smiling. "Of course I don't mind, Jungkook" He turned around, not seeing the frown on Jimin's face at Tae calling Jungkook by his full name. That has not happened in months. Sitting back, Jimin whispered to Yoongi "I think we have hurt Tae's feelings, we just abandoned him when Mina came, even had her take his seat." Yoongi looked up at Tae, who was sitting with the Woogas, his head down. "I think we did; we will sort it out later and apologise."

For the rest of the day, Mina stuck to Jungkook like glue, touching him all the time, while throwing smirks Taehyung's way, who didn't see as he was ignoring them all. This upset Mina as she wanted his reaction and this upset Jimin and Yoongi who saw this and saw Tae ignoring them all. Well, they did it too him first, what did they expect?

Tae saw this girl clinging to Jungkook, sitting with him all the time. His so-called friends hanging on every word. And his heart ached. He really thought he was finally happy, but yeah, maybe not. Time to face facts Kim Taehyung, like always, you were just a passing fancy, so get a grip and focus on work. Ignore your heart bleeding and move on.

All the love in the world: A Taekook Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now