Part 8 - Ultra Brother No.1: Zoffy

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"What is that light!?" Arashi used his hands to block the blinding light.

"C-Could it be...?" Said Fuji.

Gomora and Eleking roared, their movements became restless as their tails swung from side to side. With a vicious rage, Gomora stomped forward before suddenly...


A powerful punch crashed against Gomora's jaw, sending the Kaiju away with a blast. The ground shook violently as the Kaiju dropped to the ground.

A familiar figure stood in front of the two Kaijus. A shining blue light on his chest, followed with a classic red and silver pattern on his body.

 A shining blue light on his chest, followed with a classic red and silver pattern on his body

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Gomora stood back up, and growled at its attacker. Zoffy takes up a battle stance and stares at the two Kaiju, waiting for either of them to strike.


"I-Impossible..." The fake Ultraman said in disbelief as he watched from afar.

He then turned towards Hayata, Ide, and Marin. His voice irritated and filled with anger.

"You leave me no choice!" The Alien growled as he placed his arms in a cross shape.

"You leave me no choice!" The Alien growled as he placed his arms in a cross shape

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"Die!!!" He screamed, before firing a green energy beam out of his arms.

Hayata rolled out of the way, while Ide grabbed Marin and jumped to the other side. As the three narrowly dodged the attack, Hayata raised his gun and began firing back at the imposter.

The Alien Zarab blocks a few of Hayata's shots, before jumping to the air. He raised his hand, creating a disc of light-- similar to the real Ultraman's 'Ultra Slash', and tossed it towards Hayata.

Hayata stepped back, but his arm was caught by the imitation Ultra Slash, grazing him and causing him to drop his weapon. Hayata screamed and fell to the ground.

"Hayata!" Ide shouted, before also firing at the Alien.

Ide rushed towards Hayata, while the Alien flips in the air, dodging and blocking Ide's attack, before landing to the ground.

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