Chapter 40 - Military/Army

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All four sat in the car and left to Jeongcheol's house. They thought they would enter in a lively atmosphere but it was quite and there were sad vibes. They entred the house using a key given to them. They saw Dino sitting between Jeongcheol and Jeongcheol looked depressed and worried.

Dk : What happened ?
Scoups : Sit down.

Everyone sat down.

Jeonghan : Dino is going to the military in seven months. The dates just came in.

The whole room went silent. Everyone knew it was gonna happen but this was sudden. Everyone in the room has gone to military except Vernon and Minghao as Vernon is an American and Minghao is Chinese.

Dino : I am gonna to be fine guys. Everyone goes through it even you guys did.
Seungkwan : Dino two years isn't a joke. I have went through it.
Dk : Channie we can't see eachother for two years except for when you get holidays.
Dino : I know guys, I am a grown up and I can handle this and it's just 18 months not two years.
Jeonghan : You sure can Dino.
Scoups : It's going to be hard.
Minghao : You can do it Dino.
Dino : Guys I know I can, it's okay. It's normal why be emotional about it. Plus Yeonjun is also enlisted with me so I am not gonna be alone. He will be there with me.
Vernon : I wanna go to the washroom.
Scoups : Sure it's to the right.

Vernon went away after giving Dino a look.

Dino : Suddenly even I neEd to UsE thE waShroOm.
Jeonghan : That's a weird tone but you don't need to ask Dino. You know the way around.
Dino : Yeah I was just .... informing .....m bye ?

Dino rushed away. He went and knocked the door and Vernon opened the door grabbed Dino and closed the door behind Dino.

Dino : Move your hand you already have Seungkwan.
Vernon : Sorry but I love Seungkwan already. I had to hold you to pull you in fast.
Dino : Okay but why did you call me ? The members might suspect us.
Vernon : You are going to the military ?
Dino : Yeah didn't you hear that ?
Vernon : What about your debut ?
Dino : I talked to the agency and they said it would be nice if I enlist now so I can focus on my idol career more. I am gonna debut right after I comeback from military, it'd already planned.
Vernon : Ohh
Dino : Anything else ?
Vernon : No, let's head out ?

They opened the door and they were shocked to see the person standing infront of them. It was Seungkwan folding his hands on his chest and had a dangerous look on his face.

Solchan : It isn't what it looks like !!
Seungkwan : Sure it isn't.

Seungkwan then pushed both of them in the bathroom with their collars and went inside too shutting the door behind him.

Seungkwan : Go on, Explain.

Vernon and Dino looked at eachother.

Seungkwan : Is that a no ?

They both were silent.

Seungkwan : HANN-

Dino and Vernon closed Seungkwan's mouth with their hands.

Vernon : Don't call for Jeonghan hyung.
Dino : Or any other.
Seungkwan : I promise I won't tell anything to anyone. You can trust me.
Dino : No you spill everything to Dokyeomie hyung.
Seungkwan : I won't I promise.
Dino : I peed my pants on the stage.
Seungkwan : Don't lie to me Dino.

Seungkwan then turned to Vernon.

Seungkwan : Or is it about you and not Dino ?
Vernon : Babe I wouldn't lie to you.
Seungkwan : Then why are you both in the bathroom talking ? This happened in the diner too. Are you guys-
Dino : *gulps* We were gossiping about.......
Vernon : Dk hyung and Joshua hyung !! *lies*
Seungkwan : Shhh don't be so loud. But why not infront of everyone ? I am sure no one would mind it.
Dino : You know we didn't want to provide the wrong gossip.
Seungkwan : What is it ?
Vernon : They might actually like eachother.
Seungkwan : Really ? What makes you think so ? But Joshua hyung makes it so noticeable, I don't know how Dokyeom hyung didn't notice that Joshua hyung likes hi-

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