ending (credits to Noah !! for the drawing ontop)

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so uhh how does this abomination of a fanfic ends? well, as of couple of months later...

neester and lilac in bed, doing their lovey dovey romance while their kids are in school (for example, the art drawing ontop that Noah !! made), no sex, just pure romance <3

kraven, crimson and that one femboy still enjoy their time together, just having fun, going into random places (including cuddle and make out sesh during home, even threesome make out/cuddle session if they feel like it >:3)

JT... yeah he is still traumatized after THM beated the living shit out of him

Leandros, he, he what? he... ummm, he uhh ummm idk he still has that footage of kraven and crimson making out  :3

but what about Splatjack?

here is the answer:

he has no bitches now

and Lee? about him, he got an actual job! (Design Manager) and he isn't that poor anymore

now here is the question: is he gonna do something stupid like buying a certain thing that wasn't worth buying or something like that in the future?

here is the answer:

no! he has learned from that mistake of his, he probably bought that fursuit 'cause he was on drugs or something like that, maybe even sniffing cocaine

(dont do that kind of stuff please, sniffing cocaine or doing drugs is very bad for your health and it WILL cause health issues which will lead to severe consequences!!!! >_<)

[but what about smoking? well, dont do that too, please, lung cancer will be meeting you at your body if you do that, dont smoke please it is very bad for your health!!!!!]

so, what did we learned from this fanfic?


i dont fucking know

i just made this fanfic for fun

ok fine here is the plot twist jeez

lilac is actually a man /j

Justin technician beating up NeesterWhere stories live. Discover now