Chapter 10 - Diner Truth Blaze

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Chapter 10 - Diner Truth Fire

Pictured above: The Small Coastal Run-Down Diner

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Pictured above: The Small Coastal Run-Down Diner

Azazel POV's:

The roar of my engine soared down the freeway expertly driven by the man to my left. His hands on the steering wheel were loose as we sped 85 mph, weaving between cars and trucks, not that I was noticing much with my head down.

Seatbelt on, but that was at his insistence, as I leaned forward, my head replaying the whole horror show that happened back there. All the blood, the images of skull fragments exploding would never leave my mind. My mind was at war between the gun pointed directly at me, and trying to rationalize protecting myself, with the fact that I just killed two people.

Regardless of the danger, I tore through the internals of a man until he was chocking and drowning in all the blood inside his body. I barely broke a sweat, the power flowed so easy as I called it forth, as for the driver. It was like pure instinct, I saw the gun barrel pointed at me, and with barely any thought, he didn't have a head. His body landed with a thud, now a haunting sound I'll have to live with.

          "I take it you've never done anything like that." I heard the man speak in the previously silent car. A ticking clock on which one of us would speak first I guess, but my mind couldn't form any coherent thoughts before.

         "Killing two people?! No. I have not." I said frustrated, ending defeated as I now took a look at the dark pavement slipping quickly under us.

          "I've seen some things in my life, but that was new for me as well. Seemed quite effortless, you're a formidable force, love." His tone seemed almost impressed, and that reason hurt me all the more.

         "I don't feel formidable, I feel naive. Mind telling me what the actual fuck just happened? Maybe your name as well? Or anything for that matter?" I was pissed, but now, I sat turned to him in my seat waiting altogether impatiently.

He glanced at me, looking me in the eye for far longer than should have been safe on the highway, but he simply turned his gaze back to the road skillfully. I hope he knew I wasn't going to talk anymore, divulge any more of my dark secrets if he didn't start spilling too. I hadn't killed two men to protect the both of us only for him to leave me in the dark on the why.

          "You're not the only one that is aware of your power Azazel. Now that they know your back and where to find you, they won't stop coming."



It was a small shitty diner off the freeway, I wasn't sure where exactly, but I had to hope we were still in California; but with the speed at which we drove I couldn't be sure. We'd pulled off the road first for gas, but now as I sat on a tufted red faux leather booth in this diner, I wasn't sure what we were doing.

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