Chapter 3

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"Aquaman 2001," Izzy began, counting off on her fingers. "One, I know he has a relatively popular podcast where he debunks urban legends and ghost stories. Two, I know he's probably from around here because most of the early shows cover stories from Western North Carolina. And three, I know he always signs off with: This is the end. I am going. I am leaving now." She raised an eyebrow. "Sound familiar? I could go on if you need."

Caleb closed his eyes and sighed. "No need. I've been so careful to remain anonymous. So sure I didn't reveal any personal info. I should have deleted some early episodes and used something different as my sign-off. Something boring like, see you next time."

Brie's mouth dropped open. "You're a famous podcaster?"

"Famous is a bit of a stretch," Caleb said. "But I do have a following."

"And that following included James and Austin," Izzy said.

"Then they listened to my episode on the old Morristown mental hospital."

"They did," Izzy said.

"And they came here to check it out."

"Yeah, so you kind of owe it to me to help." Izzy crossed her arms.

"Woah, woah, woah!" Caleb said, throwing his hands up and raising his voice. "Did they miss the whole point of the episode where I concluded that the disappearances were due to another homeless camp with an opioid problem?"

"Of course not!" Izzy said. "They just came to a different conclusion."

"And that was?" Caleb leaned over the table toward her.

"That it's haunted," Izzy said, leaning toward him as well.

"That's ridiculous," he pushed back.

"Is it? You saw the video. What do you think's going on there?" Izzy's words came out in rapid fire.

"Uh, guys?" Brie said.

"What?!" They both turned on her.

"I hate to interrupt, but I have practice for cross country. I need to go."

"Sure. You go to practice, but we're heading to the old hospital," Caleb said.

"Really?" said Izzy. "You'll go with me?"

"Yeah, if only to show you how stupid this whole thing is. But if we run into any trouble, we go to the police immediately."

"Listen," Brie said. "I'm going to give you my number. Text and let me know that you're okay. If I don't hear from you within two hours, I'm going to report you guys missing. Got it?" She scribbled a number down on an old worksheet, ripped out the paper, and handed it to Izzy. "Plug it into your phone."

Izzy took the paper. Brie looked rattled by the video. Hell, Izzy was rattled. She didn't really want to go back to that place, but she had to find out what happened. "Okay," she nodded. "I appreciate it."

"Girl, just find your friends, okay? And let me know what happened."

"I will." Izzy gave her a quick hug.

"Great," Caleb said. "Now that the warm fuzzies are out of the way, let's go. And Brie?"

"Yeah, I know. I'll keep my mouth shut. Pinky swear! Who's gonna believe me anyway?"

"Good point." He nodded and slung his backpack over his shoulder. "You and I will try to meet tomorrow after school to go over that test review."

"Argh, fine," Brie said as she headed out the door. "Later."

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