Chapter 5

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(Two weeks after Toby meat Cody)

Ticci Toby's POV

"I d-on't know, he j-just makes m-e feel so imp-important!" I say dreamily, as I hang upside down on Cody's bed.

"Why don't you just ask him out?" Coby asks, experimenting with some new virus.

"He's probably not even gay, plus he probably doesn't feel the same way," I say, discouraged.

Cody looks at me like I'm the dumbest person in the world, "Are you kidding me? Toby, I've only been here for two weeks and I can already tell how much he is swooning for you."

"W-what do-o you mean?"

"He may always wear a mask, but literally everyone can feel how much he loves you! He literally only talks to you, he came down to the chaotic, cracked up kitchen yesterday morning to make you egos when you stayed up too late and couldn't get out of bed, he holds your hand every time you have a tic attack, and he takes his mask off around you!" Cody explains, counting the reasons with his fingers.

I sit up right on his bed and try to fully process all of these reasons, a hot blush creeping on my face by the minute.

"You really think he likes me?"

"God no! Toby, Jack doesn't like you, he loves you!"

Eyeless Jack's POV

I am sitting on the huge porch of the creepypasta mansion, watching the sunset and residents train. I love sitting out here. I feel like I can get such a good grasp on what is troubling me when I'm out here. What is troubling me right now? Toby. Toby is troubling me. I love him. That is the problem. He makes my world spin. He is the thing I look forward to. He gives me hope. Unfortunately someone like him would never love someone like me.

"He does love you."

The voice of a small child startles me out of my thoughts. I look over to see Sally.

"Wh...what do you mean?"

"Toby. He really does love you."

"How do you..."

"Only a fool wouldn't see it. He looks at you like you're the most priceless diamond ever."

"How did you know I was thinking about him?"

"Just a guess."

"Do you really think he loves me?"

"Oh, I know so, but I think you should find out for yourself."


"Hey, Toby?"

"Huh?" I hear Toby answer from his mess of a bed.

I take a deep breath in and walk over to his bed. I take a seat on the edge of his bed.

"Wh-what do you think of me?" I ask awkwardly.

"Well, I thin-k you're kin-nd, and s-sweet, and...and w-w-well I think you're beautiful." he answers shyly.

"Y-you think I'm beautiful?"

Toby scoots closer to me and grabs my hands gently.

"Jack, you-u ma-make me c-crazy, and-d I kn-ow you pro-obably only see-e me a-as a friend, but...but I lo-ove you!"

I can't believe it. Sally was right. Before I can stop myself my hands are on Toby's jaw, and my face is moving towards his. When my lips finally meet his, it's like a switch flips in my brain, like my heart explodes, like my brain is finally quiet.

After what seems like forever,we pull apart.

"I love you too, Toby. I love you so, so much." I say, rubbing my thumb over Toby's cheek.

I feel him lean into my hand and smile the most beautiful smile at me, "Doe-es this mean-n what I thi-ink it means?" he asks excitedly.

"What, that your my boyfriend? Only if you want."

"Of co-ourse I want t-to!"

"Well then, I guess you're my boyfriend," I say, smiling the widest I've smiled in a while.


Toby and I spent the next few hours after our first kiss watching a movie. After the movie I went to go to my own bed, but was stopped by the soft, scared hand on my wrist.

"Ple-ease, stay."


I climb back into the bed and tug Toby's quilt over me. Toby is bundled up in probably seven different fuzzy blankets, the only thing showing being his hair and face.

I couldn't help but smile at him. Once I fully laid down Toby immediately cuddles up to my chest, the sweet smell of his hair filling my nose. I kiss the top of his head gently.

"Good night Toby, I love you."

Good Night:766

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