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i woke up and instantly felt the warmth of harry's body against mine. his arms were still in the same place they were when we fell asleep last night.

i looked up and saw him and heard small snores. i smiled to myself and closed my eyes.

i began to think about everything. how could someone that thought i would be 'embarrassed' of even talking to them, care so much about me?

however, what happened between harry and i the other night was a complete mistake. i didn't think that it was wrong because he was a bad person or anything necessarily, i was just mad at how i gave myself up like that. i didn't want to seem like i had that little self respect.

but i did trust harry. -at least i think i did. he seemed like a good person. at school he has a couple friends, not many though. he's always staring at me, but i don't want to make awkward eye contact or just be awkward in general. so as rude as it may sound, i just don't really talk to him. which i feel awful about.

"rose?" i heard harry pipe up. i opened my eyes and looked up at him.

"good morning." he smiled.

"morning harry." he really was a beautiful boy. which sounded kinda weird, but whatever. he was one big beautiful ball of curls. and i didn't mind it one bit.

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