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harry: who the fuck do you think you are?

tyler: What?

tyler: Who is this?

harry: i don't know who in the hell you think you are, but you sure are in for it buddy. i'm going to make your life a living hell.

tyler: Oooh!

tyler: Harry is it?

tyler: I've got something to let you know 'buddy'.

harry: enlighten me

tyler: Recall the night when Rose's father texted you?

harry: don't you fucking dare tell me that was you

tyler: Sorry to break it to you, but it was.

tyler: She tried to kill herself.

tyler: She made me swear not to tell anyone.

tyler: And I didn't until now

harry: you are such a fucking asshole

harry: and why'd you break up with her?

harry: thought you were too good for her?

harry: well i got news for you pal, you'll never be too good for her. better yet- you'll never be good enough for her

tyler: I didn't fucking break up with her because i'm too good for her

tyler: I broke up with her so that I didn't constantly have a clingy depressed girl bothering me every 5 minutes

harry: im going to fucking kill you

harry: you are trash

harry: never forget it

harry: fuck you tyler green, fuck you

harry: you are nothing but a fucking loser

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