1~'First Impressions . . .

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Slinging my backpack over my shoulder, I sigh. New school, same misery as the last. I'm surprised I didn't fake sick, or get sick for that matter, but I digress.

Paper School, where I will be attending worthlessly, going through hell to learn and memorize one more tiny thing that I will probably never use in the real world. Good grief.

I open the door to reveal a sun shining so brightly upon my eyes that it hurts to gaze upon, so I look down, eyes squinted, acting as if I know the way. I'm forced to look up, however, when I realize I have no idea where I'm going.

And there it is, Paper School, right before me. I mentally prepare myself for the worst time I will ever have as I walk into the school. It was quite crowded, and I froze, having absolutely no idea where I was going.

"Need some help?" I hear a voice call out calmly, as I turn my head, I see a boy with white messy hair tied up into a ponytail, and two feathers atop his head. Strange, I think, though I shouldn't pry too much.

"Yeah, thanks."

He nods.

"You're the new kid, right? If so, I think I know where your locker is. It's right by mine.

I nod, as he takes my hand and leads me over to locker 041, tapping on the door.

"Unless you're gonna choose to carry a heavy backpack, I can help you sort your workbooks in here. It's surprising how many people here don't keep their lockers tidy..."

"Alright, I do say I'm not the most organized person in myself...."

"That's fine, I'll help you, right?"

I shrugged.

"I'll ask if I need it."

The bell then rings, signaling that it's time for class. Great, even greater misery...

I look in my bag for the paper that has my schedule on it, saved my ass that I wrote it down, and grabbed it.

I check my schedule, noticing that my first class was math class. That makes my mornings even more miserable. That's just fucking awesome!

I try not to show my distaste, however, as I was always told first impressions matter.

And for some reason... I feel the need, around him, to make my first impression a good one.

371 words

HEYYYYYY Fujiko(a/n) here!!! I'm so happy to finally get this out because HOLY HELL am I proud of what I did!!!! If you really couldn't tell based on the brief description of feathers, the boy Fujiko is talking to is Engel. This might or might not contain OC x Canon, so watch out for that, but just know you're stepping into a real angsty rollercoaster.

I'm also going to be adding more OCs, some of which might have familial, platonic or romantic connections with some canons. If this makes you uncomfortable, then I don't suggest this fic for you<3

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