2~'Look at this wreck!

48 1 1

Classes had ended for the day, and needless to say, I felt exhausted. My mind was jumbled up and my eyelids were getting heavy, I felt weak as well. I wouldn't be surprised if the look on my face didn't say enough about how absolutely drained I was at the moment.

As I make my way to my locker, stumbling occasionally like a damn drunkard, leaning against the locker door and letting out a sigh. I knew I couldn't just stand like that forever, but I sure as hell wanted to. I stood up straight, putting away the textbooks that the feather dude from earlier helped me find. To be honest, he was really helpful...

Before I could think any further, I felt a tap on my shoulder. The same person from earlier.

"Hey, Fujiko!"

I turn my head in the direction of his voice, seeing him enthusiastically waving, I waved back, a little awkwardly. I still wasn't used to this environment, though there were people trying their best to make it of comfort, I just couldn't ever see it as such due to the fact that everything but me and my personality are new.

Come to think of it, I didn't know anything about this place, did I? Well, other than some of it's more than odd features...

"Hey... Umm..."

I just then realized that he hadn't introduced himself, but I was a bit too bashful to bring it up, I didn't want him to feel impolite or anything... Putting that into words sounds really narcissistic come to think of it, yet even I can't find an explanation to my own thoughts.

"Oh, Engel."

My eyes widened. It seemed like he'd read my mind.


I repeated, testing the words on my tongue. It was fun to say and had a nice ring to it.

He nodded as if to confirm, a hand on his chest.

God, why were new things so awkward? I wanted to shrivel up and die right then and there.

Neither of us knew what to say from that point on, so we just unloaded our books from our lockers. I'd had my schedule taped on the inside of my locker door, and the only help I needed concerning classes was help getting to the classrooms... and probably help with the subjects. I'm stupid as hell.

"What's your next class?"

He asked after an almost-too-long break of awkward silence.

"Umm..." I checked my schedule. "Language, room 204."

He perked up.

"Oh, right, I can get you there." He smiled warmly, running a hand along the feathers on his head.

I nodded, hearing the bell ring again as if on cue. I jumped a little, causing Engel to chuckle a bit in amusement.

"Come on, follow me."

He stood up, as I followed him into room 204.

The middle of the lesson. I was quite good at this, and was paying a good amount of attention... Until the teacher, Miss Thavel, turned her back, I felt something sharp touch my cheek, the impact causing it to bounce back just a bit. I get to look at it, and there it is; a paper ball. Before I can react, another comes at my head, and I look up to see three students pointing at me and snickering.

"Hah! Look at this wreck!" One of them snickers, gesturing over to me. He has a red A+ in his hair, which was really long. He was sitting next to two people, one had crazily spiky hair (he shouldn't be judging mine), and the other had split hair like Melanie Martinez except it was tied into a low ponytail. Really, they shouldn't be the ones judging me... are they that blind?

As I glare at them, I see them smirking at me, the Melanie Martinez ripoff pointing to her two eyes and to me with one finger. I roll my eyes and continue on with the lesson, just praying they won't pester me any more...

Another paper ball. I am going to lose my shit with these three, and I don't even know their names yet.


661 WORDS WHAT?!?!!??

I already have so much motivation to write chapter 3 oml-

Shoutout to  ilvymoriah

FOR INSPIRING ME TO WRITE MORE!!! Fr tho, ur writing is amazing. <33

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