Astra Academy, Here I Come..

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Principal: Ms. Chestnut .

2 Main Characters: Willow Evergreen and Nora Laurel (Willow's "Best-friend").

Misfits: Rowan Ashe, Sage Birch, Hazel Maple and Cassia Ash.

Important characters: Dr. Cypress (School Therapist) , Mayor Elm, Judge Alder and Detective Birchwood🕵️‍♀️.
Teachers: Ezra Oakwood (Spells Teacher)Cora Maple (Art teacher), Damian Cypress (Potions Teacher), Ms. Janie(Librarian) Etc.

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Chapter 1

Willow slammed her hand on the kitchen table, glaring at her father. "I don't understand why I have to go to some magic school now! I've been homeschooled my whole life , why can't it just stay like that..?"

Her father signed, trying to keep his peace. "Willow, you know your mother wanted you to find your power, to discover yourself. You're finally 16, it's time."

Willow huffed and crossed her arms. "But I'm happy here.. I don't want to leave this, you, everyone matter of fact!"

"I know it may be difficult, but I've already enrolled you. The academy is a long drive from here, so we should probably get going."

Willow reluctantly followed her dad to the car, glancing one more time at their small, cozy home. Letting out a sigh, she got in the passenger seat, looking out the window as she braced herself for the mysteries that awaited her at Astra Academy.

(2 hours later) *✿❀○❀✿*

After what felt like eternity, they pulled up to the imposing gates of Astra Academy. Willow's stomach twisted in knots from how nervous she was. This was it-the start of a new chapter.

After what felt like an eternity, they pulled up to the imposing gates of Astra Academy. Willow's stomach twisted in knots from how nervous she was. This was it - the start of a new chapter.

"Well, here we are," her father gently stroking her hair ."Are you ready, Willow?"

Willow took a deep breath and nodded her head, trying to muster up some courage. " I suppose. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?"

Her dad drove off as Willow walked in.
(Inside principal's office) ...·.·*.✵.*·.·...

"Oh, you must be Willow Evergreen, our new transfer student! Please, please have a seat." said Ms. Chestnut

Willow reluctantly lowered herself into the plush chair, her fingers fidgeting on her lap. "T-thank you, ma'am !To be completely honest, I'm quite nervous right now."

"Oh trust me, I know how you feel, hun," Ms. Chestnut replied, Giving Willow a reassuring smile. "It can be tuff starting in a new environment,
but I can assure you, you will enjoy your stay here!"

"Well, we do need to hurry this up, so here's your handbook with all you'll need - your dorm number,
dorm key, school map, etc."

(in her new dorm room) .❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。

As Willow entered her new dorm room, she was greeted by a cozy, invited space. The soft lighting and warm color palette instantly put her at ease, easing the knots in her stomach. She ran her fingers along the well-made bed, while relaxing her head on the soft, fluffy pillows.

"This isn't so bad," she murmured to herself, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

She slowly got up and started unpacking her belongings, carefully arranging them around her assigned area in the room, She hung her favorite poster, placed framed photos of her family on the nightstand and neatly tuck away her clothes in the dresser.

Just as she was finishing up, the door burst open and a bubbly girl with bright blue hair stepped in.

"Hi there! Omg you must be my new roomie," she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement "I'm Nora, Nora Laurel! You don't know how long I've been wanting a roommate, Ms. Chestnut wouldn't give me one for a while since I was supposedly failing my classes but yeah. "

!As Willow listened to the energetic girl ramble on, she couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over her. Nora's exuberant personality was a far cry from the stifling silence Willow had grown accustomed to her in previous living situation.

"It's nice to meet you too, Nora," Willow's replied, a smile tugging at her lips. "I'm Willow Evergreen, and I have to say, this room is pretty great."

Nora's eyes widened in delight as she took in the cozy space. " Right? Wait until you see the rest of the campus. There's so much to explore !" She paused for a moment, her brow furrowing concern. "Oh, I hope I didn't come off too strong. I just get excited about new people you know!"

"Not at all, I appreciate it actually.. I was actually pretty nervous when I got here."

Nora's face gleamed with joy "You know that's what I'm here for! You're gonna love it here" She paused, her eyes suddenly lighting up. "Omg! Speaking of which, have you met Astra yet?"

Before willow could respond, the door swung open...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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