2. **A Mother's Ambition** / **ایک ماں کی خواہش

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Meanwhile, Farzana Begum was scanning the newspaper when an advertisement caught her eye: Raisani LTD was seeking a model to be the face of their opening show for Raisani Couture. Farzana saw this as a golden opportunity for her daughter, Nawaal. Determined to seize it, she quickly made arrangements to take Nawaal to the auditions.

As they were on their way, the bus they were riding in had a minor accident. Although no one was seriously injured, the delay caused them to arrive at the audition venue later than planned.

Upon arrival, Farzana hurriedly took Nawaal to the bathroom to ensure her appearance was perfect. While they were in the restroom, Farzana overheard a girl who had already auditioned talking on her phone. "Yes, yes, I have auditioned. You won't believe it, he was looking at me. I am sure I will be the chosen model. I even gave him my mobile number... I am sure he'll call me tonight. I wouldn't mind going partying with him... ahahah."

Farzana, hearing the girl exit the bathroom stall, whispered disapprovingly, "Besharam, look at her, she even gave him her number too."

After making sure Nawaal looked her best, they headed to the reception desk. The receptionist tried to stop them, saying the auditions had finished. Undeterred, Farzana forcefully entered the room and saw Jahan. She began approaching him just as he was about to leave. In a desperate and exaggerated tone, she pleaded, "Please, give my daughter a chance. We were met with an unfortunate situation, so we couldn't make it in time. Please, my daughter is beautiful. Give us a chance, for God's sake."

Jahan, barely looking up, replied, "Just as the gentleman said, you are late."

Farzana, not backing down, continued, "Should we give our number too?"

Jahan, now slightly irritated, responded, "Sorry?"

Farzana, raising her voice, insisted, "Give my daughter a chance, or I will tell everyone what you said to the other girl."

Jahan, confused and increasingly annoyed, asked, "What are you talking about?"

Farzana replied, "Number 18, you got that girl's number. You will call the cameraman and take my daughter's picture as well."

Jahan, now visibly irritated, retorted, "This is a huge campaign for our couture, not some child's play. And you have the audacity to threaten me? Do you know who you are talking to? Who are you, anyway?"

Farzana, holding her ground, said, "I am Farzana Begum and the mother of this beautiful girl. If you don't give us a chance, you will remember my name for all your life. Give us a chance, or I will humiliate you in front of everyone."

Jahan, feeling the pressure from his brother's words about taking the campaign seriously, grudgingly conceded. "Fine. Let her come to the hotel at 10 PM."

Farzana, taken aback, questioned, "At the hotel? At night?"

Jahan, with a smirk, clarified, "Look, I am surely not going to make an appointment for dinner. Not ten minutes before 10, and I can't stay more than fifteen minutes. Also, dress her properly and come alone."

Farzana, fiercely protective, exclaimed, "She won't come alone! I am her mother. How dare you! She doesn't go anywhere without me. She won't come alone."

Jahan, now annoyed, replied, "Then either she comes alone, or you go and tell whatever you want to tell."

With that, Jahan exited, leaving Farzana standing there, smirking, knowing she had secured a chance for Nawaal.

Meanwhile, in another part of the building, Rustam was sitting in his office when one of the workers, present at the scene downstairs, came to inform him. "Sir, there is a woman downstairs, and she is screaming and making a scene."

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