☾ Chapter 6 ☽

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As the night passed, you navigate the ballroom with a calculated plan in mind, starting conversations with different guests to maintain your cover and gather any stray pieces of information. Every interaction was another step in your delicate plan of deception, and you knew that every word, every gesture, had to be flawless.

Thankfully, those stupid, insufferable etiquette classes Gunnar had you take were actually coming in handy.

Guess they weren't stupid after all.

The next phase of your plan needed to be subtle and precise. You needed to learn more about Scaramouche's operations, especially his rumored involvement in company partnerships. The opportunity came when you noticed him talking with a small group of well-off looking men near the staircase.

He probably comes to the ball every year if he has a circle like that.

You approached the group with a confident smile. "Gentlemen," you say, giving a graceful nod. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything too important."

'I feel stupid,' you think after hearing yourself speak, wanting to frown. Gunnar had said that speaking very formally and respectfully was a dead giveaway that you were from high society, and made a good impression on people. 

Unfortunately for you, that didn't come very naturally, so you had to be careful with what you were saying.

"Not at all, (Y/N)." Scaramouche replied, his eyes glinting with curiosity. "Allow me to introduce you to some of my colleagues."

As he made the introductions, you carefully committed each name and face to memory. Much to your surprise, most of them were CEO's, politicians, and other high-ranking people.

One of the older men spoke up. "Lady (Y/N), is it? I've heard all about you, you seem to be the topic of the night. You are from Celeste, are you not? It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

He was looking at you a little too strangely for comfort, and it was setting off the alarm in your head. Nonetheless, you brushed it off and responded.

"The pleasure is all mine, Sir Charles," you replied, matching his so-called enthusiasm. "I've heard so many great things about you as well. It seems that I'm in good company tonight."

"So many great things!" You mock yourself in your head. I have no idea who this buffoon is.

As everyone flowed into conversation, you heard Charles whisper to the man next to him. "I'm definitely taking her home tonight, hopefully she'll do whatever I tell her to." followed by a few chuckles.

Disgusting. A snappy response to put him in his place crawls up your throat, but you refrained. Now wasn't the time to mess things up, not when they were going so well.

"Suck up to them" they said. "It'll be fine," they said.

As the conversation continued, you subtly guided it towards topics that could be useful information. You listened intently, picking up on every discussion, all the while maintaining a charming front.

Later in the evening, as you stood near a large window, inspecting a painting on the wall, you felt a presence beside you. Turning, you found Scaramouche, his expression thoughtful. His right hand was in his pocket, a few strands of hair falling over his forehead.

"Are you enjoying the ball, Lady (Y/N)?" he asked, his tone genuine. But you knew it wasn't genuine. 

Being trained to be an overly observant person was both a blessing and a curse as you picked up on the very small shift in his tone. He was feigning interest in you, trying to get you on his side. Lucky for him, you were going to do it first.

"Definitely," you reply, meeting his gaze. "Its been fun."

"I'm glad," he said, pausing for a moment before continuing. "I'm intrigued by you, Lady (Y/N). There's something about you that stands out, something... unique."

Aw, how sweet. You want to smirk, but you resist the urge. After all, you were easily picking up on lie after lie that was coming out of his mouth. You had to admit, he was rather good at manipulating people. If it worked.

You smile, sensing an opportunity. "You flatter me, Lord Scaramouche. But I must admit, I find you just as interesting. You seem to be a man of many layers."

Bile rose in your throat. Every time you saw him, every time you looked into those shining violet eyes, all you saw was Callista and her joyful smile as she showed you her new doll.


His eyes narrowed slightly, a glint of amusement in them. "Is that so? And what layers have you uncovered so far?"

"Only the ones you've allowed me to see," you reply playfully. "But I think there's much more to you than meets the eye."

"Perceptive, are you?" he said, his tone turning more serious. "Maybe we could continue this conversation in a more quiet setting?"

Your heart quickened, but you maintained your composure. Going somewhere alone with him meant you were in increased danger, so you had to be prepared. "I'd like that."

He led you to a library adjacent to the ballroom, its walls lined with shelves of colorful books and the scent of leather and paper filling the air. There were little to no people there, and anyone who was there was busily chattering away. You both settled into plush armchairs near a crackling fireplace.

"You can just call me (Y/N)," you bring up, knowing that dropping the titles was the first step of developing trust.

"Noted. Just Scaramouche is fine as well."

After a pause, he speaks. "Tell me, (Y/N)," Scaramouche began, his gaze intense, "Why are you really here? Surely a woman of your intelligence and grace has more compelling reasons than socializing."

You sensed that this was a pivotal moment. Choosing your words carefully, you say, "You're right, Scaramouche. I seek connections and opportunities that can help me. I believe in using power for influence and the importance of meeting the right people."

He nodded, his interest piqued. "And do you see yourself as one of those influential people?"

"Possibly," you replied, your eyes meeting his. "With the right alliances, I believe I could be."

Scaramouche leaned back, studying you intently. "You're a fascinating woman, (Y/N). I think we could benefit each other."

You smile, knowing you had taken another step closer to your goal. "I think we could, too."

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As the night drew to a close, You left the ball with a sense of accomplishment. You had made so much progress in gaining the Balladeer's trust and introducing yourself to his inner circle. You knew the real challenge, however, lay ahead.

With your mind focused, You prepared for the tangled game of deception that was coming your way.

You stare at your stony face in the mirror, dripping with water as you washed the makeup from your skin.

The fate of so many depends on me. I can't mess this up.

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