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It's 6:00 am and I'm already up getting ready, today will be a long day. 2 days ago my dad gave me the warning, and he wasn't kidding, I don't know exactly how to take it.

If I say I cried, I'll be lying, sadness isn't my feeling now but I feel like it will be later, I may not seem like it but I'm an organized guy and that's why I usually don't anticipate anything, I'll feel the feeling at the right time.
Because I'm not going to give my father the pleasure of seeing me crying.

Maybe he's doing this to see my regret and with that, I'll beg to go home, but I'll do my best to make sure his thoughts are frustrated.
It's what I expect.

I'm trying to open my mind and be mature, I'm going into a new environment and with my mother who I'm not very close to. This seems like the perfect recipe for disaster, but again, I'll try to change that.

Inside the car with my father and stepmother, we head to the airport, as I said before, it will be a long day. And during the journey, the silence is strange, but there is nothing good to say at that moment.
I keep looking at the streetscape of Bangkok to say goodbye and think about how ironic it all is.

After all, I was already planning to leave my father's house before, but everything is so expensive in the capital that I know I wouldn't survive. I was thinking about waiting to finish school and then share a house with 2 other friends who study with me, but after my father's decision, my plan B can't continue either.

Thinking nothing and everything at the same time, we arrived at Suvarnabhumi airport. I say goodbye harshly and quickly to my father and stepmother and continue straight on, without stopping, without looking back, I will miss Bangkok more than them.
The plane awaits me.


After hours of flying, I finally arrive in Chiang Mai, a province in the north of Thailand. It's the first time I've set foot in this place.
And as agreed, a driver friend of my mother came to meet me.

He was super friendly and we got into the car quickly. I don't remember much but he seemed to want to talk to me on the way, but I was so tired that I couldn't even understand the questions. He then gave up.

Even though I was dozing, I didn't stop observing the landscape, it's so different and every minute it gets greener and greener... I sleep.

I am woken up a while later by my mother's friend, he says that we are going to walk, but that he is already close to her house.
I'm walking on automatic, I'm irritated, hungry and sleepy. This is the time of repentance coming.

JossGawin: I M P R I N T I N GWhere stories live. Discover now