A Crescendo Of Love

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Three months had passed since Wei Wuxian had made his quiet promise to Lan Wangji to take better care of himself. Those months had been filled with music, laughter, and love. Wuxian's career continued to thrive, but he had learned to balance his passion for music with his need for rest and self-care, thanks to Wangji's unwavering support.

Tonight was special. Wuxian's latest concert was sold out, and the air buzzed with anticipation.

The grand piano stood center stage, and behind it, a full orchestra was ready to accompany him. The venue was packed with fans, their excitement palpable as they awaited the performance.

Backstage, Wuxian took a deep breath, his heart pounding with a mixture of nerves and excitement. His wavy black hair that usually flows down his shoulder blades is pulled into a low bun, this time.

This concert was unlike any other. Tonight, he would reveal his deepest secret to the world, through a song that he had poured his heart and soul into.

Lan Wangji was there, standing just offstage, his presence a calming force. His short hair sticking alluringly to his neck.
"Are you ready, Wei Ying?" he asked softly, his eyes filled with encouragement.

Wuxian smiled, feeling a surge of love for the man who had been his rock. "With you here, Lan Zhan, I'm always ready."

Wangji's lips curved into a rare, warm smile. "I'll be watching from the front row."

Wuxian nodded, feeling a sense of peace wash over him. He took one last look at Wangji before stepping onto the stage. The crowd erupted into applause as he walked to the piano and sat down.

"Good evening, everyone," Wuxian began, his voice carrying easily across the hall. "Thank you for being here tonight. This concert is very special to me, and I want to share something personal with all of you."

The audience quieted, their curiosity piqued.

Wuxian took a deep breath, his fingers poised over the piano keys. "I've been working on this song for a long time. It's a song dedicated to someone very dear to me, someone who has been my anchor, my support, and my greatest love. Tonight, for the first time, I want to tell you all about him."

A murmur ran through the crowd, and Wuxian glanced at the front row where Wangji stood, his eyes -surprised but poised- locked onto Wuxian's. Taking strength from Wangji's steady gaze, Wuxian continued.

"His name is Lan Zhan," Wuxian said, his voice filled with emotion. "He's my doctor, my protector, and my boyfriend. We've been together for years, and I owe him so much. This song is for him."

With that, Wuxian began to play. The first notes were soft and gentle, like a whisper of love. As the music swelled, his voice joined in, rich and resonant.

"This is for you, Lan Zhan," Wuxian said into the microphone, his eyes never leaving Wangji's.

The lyrics flowed from his heart, telling the story of their love. Wuxian sang about the joy and laughter they shared, the quiet moments of comfort, and the way Wangji's calm presence balanced his own wild energy.

He sang of the sweet frustration of their differences, the deep admiration he felt for Wangji's dedication and strength, and the profound gratitude for all the times Wangji had been there to catch him when he fell.

The music soared, capturing the highs and lows of their relationship, the struggles and triumphs, the tears and laughter. Wuxian poured every ounce of his emotion into the song, his voice breaking slightly as he sang of the hint of sadness that came from knowing how much he had worried Wangji with his reckless behavior.

But the song ended on a note of hope and unwavering love. Wuxian's fingers danced over the piano keys in a final flourish, his voice strong and clear.

"And through it all, I love you, Lan Zhan," he sang, the words echoing through the hall. Like a secret, intimate whisper..
"More than words can ever say."

As the last note faded, the audience erupted into applause, their cheers and whistles filling the air. Wuxian stood, his eyes glistening with tears as he looked at Wangji. The spotlight found Wangji in the front row, his own eyes suspiciously wet as he gazed back at Wuxian with a smile that spoke volumes.

Wuxian took a deep breath, his heart racing. "Lan Zhan," he said, his voice steady despite the tears. "You've been my everything. My support, my love, my future. And tonight, I want to make that future official."

The crowd hushed, sensing something monumental was about to happen. Wuxian stepped down from the stage and walked to where Wangji stood. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box, opening it to reveal a simple but elegant ring.

"Lan Zhan," Wuxian said, his voice trembling with emotion. "Will you marry me?"

A collective gasp rippled through the audience, followed by an electric silence. Wangji's eyes shone with unshed tears as he looked at Wuxian, his expression one of pure, unadulterated love.

"Yes, Wei Ying," Wangji replied, his voice strong and clear. "I will marry you."

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, the sound echoing like a joyous symphony. Wuxian slipped the ring onto Wangji's finger, and they embraced, their love radiating from them in waves.

Wuxian pulled back slightly, looking into Wangji's eyes. "I love you, Lan Zhan."

"I love you too, Wei Ying," Wangji replied, his voice filled with emotion.

The concert ended with a sense of euphoria that lingered long after the last note had been played. Wuxian and Wangji stood together on the stage, hand in hand, as the audience applauded and cheered for their love and their future.

Backstage, Mei Lin rushed to congratulate them, her eyes sparkling with happiness. "You guys are incredible!" she exclaimed, pulling them both into a hug. "I'm so happy for you!"

Wuxian grinned, his heart full. "Thank you, Mei Lin. For everything."

Wangji nodded, his hand still entwined with Wuxian's. "Your support means the world to us."

As the night drew to a close, Wuxian and Wangji found a quiet moment together. They stood on the balcony of their apartment, looking out over the city, the cool night air a welcome contrast to the warmth of the concert hall.

"I can't believe you proposed in front of everyone," Wangji said, his voice soft but filled with amusement.

Wuxian laughed, his eyes twinkling. "I wanted the whole world to know how much I love you, Lan Zhan."

Wangji's expression softened, and he pulled Wuxian into his arms. "And I want the whole world to know how much I love you, Wei Ying."

They stood there in the quiet night, wrapped in each other's arms, their hearts beating in perfect harmony. The future stretched out before them, bright and full of promise, and they knew that whatever came their way, they would face it together.

And in that moment, under the stars, they found their own perfect crescendo-a melody of love that would last a lifetime.


The very next day, the media was buzzing with what occurred at the music genius of this century 's latest performance.

It was supposed to be a normal comeback concert, after taking a short hiatus to focus on his health and healing.. but he shocked his fans with the declaration of love to his lover, who was attending the concert as well.

Fans were making a big deal of it, rejoicing their happiness for their dear Wei WuXian, claiming that beauty attracts beauty. And that based on those teary eyes the couple shared at their special moment, a pure heart met another.

So days went on with news revolving about that day's events.


The End.

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