Part 10

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       A young raven haired boy walked along the trees and bushes as he called out his teammates name. "NARUTO!!" he cried out when he saw his blonde sitting and squirming around clearly uncomfortable. "There you are, kakashi wants us all" he said getting closer, the closer he got the more he could pick up the scent of.... Vanilla? How was that possible the guy only ever ate ramen and was surrounded by plants at his apartment so how could he give off such an alluring smell? Whatever the reason was it was starting to make him go crazy.

      "S-sasuke~" the blonde mewled looking at the young alpha Infront of him. Sasuke looked at the blondes flushed red face, as sweat dripped along his face and neck, saliva slightly rolling down the edge of his pink lips, his orange sweater slightly open revealing his smooth tan shoulder, and his thighs rubbing up against each other.

        As soon as Sasuke was close enough Naruto grabbed him from the hem of his shirt and pulled him down smashing their lips together making Sasuke fall on top of him. As startled as the Uchiha was he didn't mind it at all and let his urges take over him. He flipped them so that the blonde sat on his lap slowly grinding down on his forming erection making them both groan from the pleasure. 

       "Sasuke~" the Uzumaki moaned out his name in between their make out session "hn?" "Take me" the both of them knew that it was their primitive urges taking over but they didn't care, they had been waiting far too long in their opinion especially Sasuke who immediately flipped the blonde on to his back.

~••~ (I'm not going to write the actual smut since they're minors and my conscious would bite me in the ass for it, but I do promise they will have their smexy time but when their older)~••~

       Two boys could be seen holding onto each other naked on the forest ground. They weren't worried about anybody coming to see them since it was the middle of the night meaning that mostly everybody would be sleeping and those that weren't were to occupied with their work. The raven held onto the sleeping blonde who's head was on his chest snoring lightly and content, he pushed a strand of hair off his tan face mezmorized at how peaceful he looked.

      "I always wanted to say this Naruto but I didn't want to wierd you out so I'll say it now while you aren't listening" he took a deep breath nervous but happy at the same time for what he was about to say "I love your hair, I love your eyes, I love your skin, I love how when you smile you close your eyes, I love when you say that annoying catchphrase of yours, I love you" and with those last words he fell asleep with a smile on his face not noticing the blue eyes staring at him with tears in them "I love you too....Sasuke" the blonde whispered.


       The Uchiha groaned as he stood up from the ground stretching and yawning oblivious to the fact that he was still naked, not noticing until he heard a yell from behind him. When he turned around he saw his blonde covering his red face with his hands and his legs covering up his body as he used the dirty clothes to cover himself up "what's up with you dobe" the Uchiha said still not realizing his nudeness. The blonde pointed at him "p-pervert wh-wheres your c-clothes" he stuttered as he looked away. "Hn?" The Uchiha looked down realizing and immediately his whole body turned an unhealthy red color "GAHH MY BAD!!" he yelled out jumping into the river that was by them. He instantly regretted it as the water was freezing especially since the sun was barely rising.

       The ravens reaction made the blonde giggle and realize that he was also nude making him flustered. "I'm g-going to shower in the little waterfall over t-there" he said picking up his clothes as he stood up feeling something sticky ooze down his thighs and legs. Sasuke saw how his sticky substance came down off of his crushes legs and he couldn't be more proud of himself. He blushed and looked away {fuck damnit sasuke get it together or he's going to think you're a pervert.... I mean you are but he doesn't know that} "yeah whatever dobe I don't care what you do, you better forget about this, it was an accident and that's all it was" he said not noticing the blonde look down and bite his lip "I know teme" he wanted to cry.

       How could his best friend say that? Was he that stupid to think Sasuke actually felt something for him? It didn't matter as he walked away to bath and change into his clothes that were slightly ripped from the force the Uchiha had used to take them off. 


       Today was the last day for the bridge construction meaning that today would be the last day on their mission. Naruto was anxious about going back to Konoha, why? Because he missed his ramen oh his beautiful heavenly ramen. And to also get away from Sasuke as it had been 2 days since the... Incident and the atmosphere had gotten all weird. 

        Naruto and Sasuke where helping by moving the big bricks around when suddenly it started to get all foggy making it hard for them to see.

      "He's back" they both whispered looking at each other with concerned faces.




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