Memory Lane - 7

140 8 12

Private Chat
Momo Yaoyorozu, Kyouka Jirou
May 14, XX24: 10:43 AM

[Momo]: Thank you

[Jirou]: ???
[Jirou]: uhh did I do something?

[Momo]: What you said in the group chat yesterday
[Momo]: I just back read the chat earlier

[Jirou]: oh yeah that

[Momo]: It's nice to hear that you're proud of me
[Momo]: I know that I've achieved a lot, but it's something to hear it from someone that's important to me

[Jirou]: i've always been proud of you Yaomomo
[Jirou]: also I like that I'm still important to you
[Jirou]: even though we're not as close as we were in highschool

[Momo]: Kyouka you'll always be important to me
[Momo]: Even if we're not as close as we were back in highschool I've still created all those memories with you
[Momo]: Plus, it's hard to be as close as we were before. We literally lived in the same dorm for three years

[Jirou]: yeah, that's true..
[Jirou]: that kinda reminds me of something
[Jirou]: do you remember before we graduated when I asked to sleep over in your room for the weekend?

[Momo]: Oh. Yes, that memory still comes to mind

[Jirou]: i asked you that because we would change
[Jirou]: i realized that, no matter where we were at in the future, we probably wouldn't ever be as close as we were in highschool

[Momo]: Oh, Kyouka, that sounds so sad
[Momo]: It saddens me more that it's true. At the time I'm not sure why it never really occured to me
[Momo]: I think it's because I always knew that no matter where I'm at in the future I wanted you to be in it in some way

[Jirou]: we were all just happy to become pro-heroes
[Jirou]: I don't blame you for not thinking of that
[Jirou]: plus, it's not like it's all bad. We're still talking today aren't we?

[Momo]: Yes, I suppose so
[Momo]: It's always been natural and easy with you. That's what I like about us

[Jirou]: you'll always be my best friend Momo
[Jirou]: that's never going to change, no matter how much time passes

[Momo]: Did you always consider me your best friend?
[Momo]: Even after I distanced myself from you two years ago

[Jirou]: momo, you told us you were going through something so you wouldn't be as present
[Jirou]: you didn't just up and disappear

[Momo]: But to me I still ran away
[Momo]: I even took a hiatus from being a hero at that time. Even if it was just for a week

[Jirou]: you distanced yourself from everyone and everything for a little over a month
[Jirou]: it's obvious that you had some reason
[Jirou]: I'd never fault you for taking time to yourself
[Jirou]: even if you view it as running away, all that matters is that you came back

[Momo]: Thank you, Kyouka
[Momo]: Thank you for everything

[Jirou]: anytime, Momo

[Momo]: Do you want to hang out again sometime soon?
[Momo]: I want to properly see you
[Momo]: I miss you
[Momo]: I miss us
[Momo]: Sometimes it's like texting you isn't enough

[Jirou]: careful, you'll make me antsy to see you
[Jirou]: and I have a double shift tomorrow so that isn't good

[Momo]: Then use it as inspiration
[Momo]: Be safe during your patrol and I promise to greet you with a text when your patrol is done

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