𝐮𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐦𝐚

250 4 9

TW: sexual assault

*buzzz buzzz*
I heard my phone, somebody was calling me. I looked at the time and it was 6am, who even calls at this time. I grabbed my phone, it was my mom calling me.

"Hey mom, what's up?" I asked with a husky voice.

"Oh sweetie thank god i hear your voice, i haven't heard you for 4 days, did something happen?" She asked with worry in her voice.

"Yes mom i'm okay, sorry i didn't text or call you but I've been...rather busy with um... someone" I said, indicating I've met someone. My mom would freak out knowing what happend these last few days and she would probably faint knowing Joost Klein is my boyfriend now.

"What are you saying? You met someone?" She said, clearly confused which i understand.

"Yeah I did mom" My voice sounded very excited. I was still in bed with Joost and luckily he hasn't woken up yet because he didn't sleep a lot the last few days and I didn't want to ruin his sleep now so I tried to stay a bit quiet.

"Who?" My mom asked, clearly wanting to know who this man was.

"Well what i am going to tell you is not a lie or a prank, and also stay calm because he's sleeping next to me now" I warned my mom beforehand.

"Omg just tell me" She was getting obviously frustrated which I took joy out to be honest.

"It's uhm... Joost Klein" I told her, waiting for her reaction.

"Okay Lila, and im engaged to Johnny Depp, now seriously tell me who it is" She said, clearly not believing a single word I said, which I ofcourse understand.

"Im serious mom" I said with a serious tone.

"Mhmm" Joost moaned. He probably heard me and my mom talking and was woken up by it. He opened his eyes and looked at me. He gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Who is it?" He asked me.

"My mom, she doesn't believe we're together" I told Joost. He had to giggle a bit.

"Who are you talking to?" My mom asked me.

"I just told you, Joost Klein" I said to her.

"Wait let me talk to her" Joost said. I hestitated for a second but decided to give him the phone.

"Hello dear mother of Lila" Joost said with an enthusiastic voice, smiling from ear to ear. I heard my mom almost shouting from shock and disbelief. She was kind of a Joost fan so this must be a big suprise. Joost and my mom were talking over the phone for like 30 minutes, getting to know each other. They really hit it off, they were basically best friends already which made me very happy ofcourse.

In the meantime, I cooked Joost and myself some dutch pancakes, they were a delicate here in the Netherlands and Joost loved them a lot.

"Breakfast is served" I said with a French accent.

"Okay bye mom, hopefully I'll meet you soon" Joost said to my mom. I'm so glad he sees her as his mom.

"Oohh pancakes, I love you so much" Joost told me, kissing me on the mouth and giving me a big hug.

"How did you sleep?" I asked him.
"Awesome, knowing you were beside me made me sleep like a baby" He said with a smile.

"Aww that's what I like to hear" I gave him another kiss. We sat down and ate our delicious pancakes. Joost basically swallowed the pancakes because they were gone in his mouth in no time, such a cutie.

Whilst eating, I heard the phone ring. It was an unknown number.

"Hello?" I asked.

There he was, that voice, that creepy voice. He was the one who gave me nightmares for the past few years. I will never forget what he did. I just dropped the phone out of shock.

Joost gave me a confused look, he tried to read my facial expression but it was just blank.

I started tearing up, awful memories came rushing back, saying how much he loves me and then the next second tearing my clothes off my body and doing things he should be in jail for.

Joost came to me and asked me what's wrong. I grabbed him and cried in his arms. He held me tightly, softly rubbing my back. When i calmed down he tried again

"Whats wrong honey?" He asked with a worried expression, cupping my face with his hands and drying my tears. I really wasn't in the mood to tell him what happend 2 years ago but he has the right to know.

"2 years ago I met someone, I was 18 and naive, he told me he was the boss of a model company and saw a talented model in me. This is every women's dream so I accepted his offer and came working in his company. Everything went great the first 6 months, but then I started noticing different behaviour from him, he got closer and closer, put his hand on my ass and saying it was an accident"

At this point I started crying heavy again. Joost listened to every word carefully that came out of my mouth. He had a lot of sympathy in his eyes.

"He said he knew a way to make me very famous but didn't want to say what exactly. Curious me wanted to find out and next thing i knew, I was practically naked in front of the camera. That's when the awful things started to happen, he didn't see me as a woman anymore but as a naive fuckdoll. He made me do things i didn't wanted to do but when I said no, he threatened to fire me, but that was my only job and I really needed the money"

I unfolded my trauma to Joost, crying uncontrollably. He held my tightly, reassuring me I'll never see his face again and that he's here to protect me.

"Why haven't you gone to the police?" He asked me.

"I don't know, I'm scared you know, what if he gets out and searches for me, god knows what he'll do to me then" I was scared for that.

"No no that's never going to happen, I promise love" He kissed my forehead and comforted me.

His words made me consider going to the police and file a complaint against him for sexual assault.

"If i go to the police, will you come with me?" I asked Joost. He grabbed my hands and layed them around the back of his neck and put his hands around my waist.

"Ofcourse I will, love, I'll stay by your side" He reassured me. I felt so safe in his arms, he was the only man that I allowed to touch me. He never triggered anything.

He's been staying at my place for 2 days and I realised something. I wanted him to stay here forever, I knew he was everywhere and nowhere so it must be nice for him to have an actual place to stay.

"I have an idea".

"Tell me darling" He said, curiously.

"You've stayed here for 2 days and soon you'll have to leave to your own place, but I want you to stay...forever" I said, nervously for his reaction. What if he thought I was too clingy?

He was smiling from ear to ear, happy to hear what I just said. He let go and practically started jumping in the air from excitement.

"You want to live with... me??" He asked like what I just said is the most absurd thing in the world. Does he think he's a difficult person to live with?

"Yes with you, crazy of me right?" I just went along.

"Yeah I'd figure you banged your head onto something. But all jokes aside, I also want to live with you" He now said more serious. He came closer and kissed my forehead.

This is a dream coming true, finally living together with someone. Oh wait not just someone, but with Joost fucking Klein.

𝐔𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now