Chapter 2: give me a feeling

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by astraljjuni on ao3

quite frankly, beomgyu and yeonjun didn't know how to explain themselves. anyway either of them could think of in order to justify their position, sounded bad. they shared a few glances before yeonjun decided to be the one opening his mouth to explain. "we're testing the waters?" beomgyu shoved the older off of him, watching yeonjun tumble to the floor. he sat up ready to explain himself, before this could get out of hand.

"yeonjun's absolutely wrong. what he means to say is he was curious on what it felt like to kiss one of your close friends. we just got a little carried away?" beomgyu's voice pitched up towards the end, hoping soobin and taehyun would buy their bluff. yeonjun nodded enthusiastically on the floor, whole heartedly agreeing with every word that came out of beomgyu's mouth. soobin and taehyun's didn't look all too convinced. soobin turned to the youngest and pulled him into the kitchen. leaving the pair by themselves once again. beomgyu reached over and smacked the back of yeonjun's head. "testing the waters? really? that's what you come up with?" yeonjun just shrugged,not too bothered.

"it's better than telling them what's actually going on." he was so nonchalant about it that beomgyu felt a wave of annoyance wash over him. "besides, it's not a big deal anyways, so what? you're not the first friends i've made out with." an noise of protest left beomgyu as he was about to defend himself. nearly exposing why he even agreed to this arrangement in the first place, to help him get over soobin. before he could collect his through the enough to explain why it is in fact a big deal, soobin and taehyun reappeared in the doorway.

"yeonjun, do you want a ride home? it's on my way." taehyun asked, making a pointed gesture to the older. almost as if he was trying to say, one way or another you're coming with me. yeonjun titled his head at taehyun before nodding slowly, getting up off the ground. he patted beomgyu's head gently, before leaving the living room, giving soobin a side hug on his way out. he followed taehyun out the front door and to his car, leaving beomgyu to face his fate by himself.

the silence lingered as soobin and beomgyu just stared at each other. soobin had so much he wanted to ask, and beomgyu had so much he didn't want to say. it was beomgyu who broke the silence decided to start off safe before he could be interrogated by soobin. "how was the trip? did you and taehyun bond and finish your projects?" he asked, smiling. he patted the seat next to him as an invitation for soobin to come and sit down. soobin glared at him before reluctantly walking over and sitting down, on the furthest end from him. facing beomgyu, he tucked his knees up to his chest. he was scared to ask but he, oh so desperately, wanted to know the truth.

"it was fine." his voice was monotone, flat as he spoke.

"just fine? did anything happen?" soobin's kind flashed the playlist he found before disappearing. yeah, his feelings resurfaced that's what happened. he just nodded in response not wanting to talk about the trip at the exact moment.

"what's going on with you, yeonjun hyung?" there it was, the end to beomgyu's attempt at diverting the conversation.

"i swear, there is nothing going on. hyung's a little dense you know? once he gets his mind set on something, he's going to do it." there's a nervous laughter following his words, and an unimpressed stare from soobin. beomgyu was word vomiting and he knew it very well. "plus he was going to ask kai, cause you know the whole thing with him and his obsession with taehyun and kai. kai told him he and taehyun are going on a date and he wanted to respect them. and since i'm single and most definitely not interested in anyone he asked me if we could try kissing and we did and here we are now." beomgyu felt dizzy, he wasn't sure if he breathed at all during his ramble, only pausing to think of the next thing to say.

soobin cocked an eyebrow at beomgyu's ramble. his mind was racing, he knew yeonjun was, in fact, bold enough to suggest such an idea. he, however, did not think beomgyu would be dumb enough to go through with it. "i trust you, but you know if you guys are together you don't have to hide right?" soobin tried to sound gentle and kind, even if it hurt his heart to say those words. beomgyu nodded, taking a second to process soobin's words.

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