Ethan.exe.666 x Reader (Short as fuck)

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Luckily, no one requested dis wow. This is a gender-neutral reader love story (I hope dis will be a jackass story). If u are ace, aro and/or aroace, I recommend u could skip dis chapter. If something else (e.g. Shipping urself with a fictional character makes u uncomfortable), u can also skip no matter what. And yes, I forgot da black liquid drip on his right eye in da maid Ethan.exe.666 thingy.

A/N ends

You recently brought a Gameboy by a random person that in fact you don't know. He said to be gentle with it because a kid ruined his Gameboy.

You soon returned home and play with your game of Pokemon until something went off. As you continue playing your game, and during the battle, your Gameboy randomly crashes and turns out, it ended up having the screen becoming the colour of blackberries. You don't know what to do, but you decided to shut your Gameboy. Then, you turn it back up again, still darker than midnight.

"What shall I do?"  You think for a while. "Maybe I should leave it."

You leave your Gameboy open until a loud noise, which is as loud as a siren, appears out of nowhere. Fortunately, it immediately lasted for a second.

"What the fuck was that?"  You trembled.

You went near to your Gameboy, still a black screen, which is still darker than the black biro's ink. How did the loud noise happen?

The looked everywhere at your Gameboy, nothing broken. Maybe it was the noise outside. Until, a mysterious boy appears inside your Gameboy staring at you, feeling like a staring competition.

After 2 minutes of staring, he once stated, "everything is unfair, why?"

You then spoke in a friendly way to him, "Don't worry 666, everything will be fairer with me."

"666? that's my name. but erm, i'm now ethan or ethan.exe.666. how do you know my old name is? you played my game? that's uhh, that's kinda fair." He then remarked.

Then 666 (Ethan or Ethan.exe.666) asked me if I could go inside the Gameboy and meet him in person.

You responded with a yes and then teleported inside the Gameboy.

This part is for tall people

You noticed that you were taller than him when you first met him.

"woah, i didn't realize you're erm taller than me." He exclaimed in a surprised way.

This part is for short people

You noticed that he was taller than you when you first met him.

"No way, you're taller than me." You exclaimed in a surprised way.

He sighs and asked, "Anyway, erm what's your name?"

You then replied, "My name is (Y/N), nice to meet you, by the way."

"(Y/N)... that's a beautiful name." He politely stated.

"Thanks." You cheered him up.

Ethan then asked you, "so uhh, what makes me fairer?"


Embarrassing part here (This is not a smut, okay?)

A/N ends

Without a word saying, you kissed Ethan on his cheeks to make his life fairer. Ethan blushes and then responded, "y/n, erm what was that?"

You then replied, "It's just a kiss, so your life will be fairer."

"it's a what!?" He stuttered.

"Just a tender kiss, Ethan, to seal our love." You beamed at Ethan with charisma.

Ethan blushed even redder than a ruby. And asked you, "urm, is it okay if i could erm kiss you back?"

You nodded, and Ethan gave you a charming kiss on your lips. While he kisses you at your lips, you kissed him back for a while.

After the kiss, both of you blushed. Ethan blush extremely harder than a cherry. You then ask, "Is the kiss between me and you fun and fantastic?"

"urm, it's..." Ethan is about to reply during his blushing, but he gets shy while he is blushing. "it's... erm... it's erm lovely."

"Aww, thanks." You beamed.

"you're erm welcome, but erm i just wanted to say... i... love... you." Ethan expressed.

"Aww, same." You rejoiced.


I wish I didn't get embarrassed after writing dis. Also, dis shit is short as fuck.

A/N ends

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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