24// A sweet fairytale ending

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Stollen mumbles to herself whilst she packs her bags. "God dam it!, why do I have to leave Holiday village..surely mother has made a mistake.." She sighs as a knock on her bedroom door was heard.

"Miss Stollen, are you ready yet? Master says that you don't have much time left before you leave" The butler asks politely.

"I'm almost ready!" She replied shouting. "Just need to pick up some more things!"

Stollen was soon packed and ready to go, she hugged her mother tightly before saying goodbye and leaving for her new career.

"So where exactly am I going?" Stollen asked curiously.

"To the pineapple temple, you shall meet the great almighty Ananas dragon there and fulfil your destiny" The servant replied.

After a few hours, Stollen had arrived at the pineapple island, it was so huge, big enough to call it a coven. "I hope I can continue my train delivery career whilst I'm here" The collage student spoke as she opened the doors. The inside was much bigger than she expected, there was so much treasures the gold everywhere. It seemed like the golden dragon was quite interested in trinkets and gifts. Stollen was a collage student at snowball academy known for its Christmas holiday spirit and teaching people about the importance of gift delivery or making toys. Being here was quite unusual for a holiday student who just recently passed their exams.

She explores the temple, seeing the golden dragon's throne for herself and without a guide with her, she felt more freedom to do what she'd like. As she was walking around, she noticed two people who were talking. It was Cream unicorn and Whipped cream.

"When do you think Pastel meringue will come back? He hasn't been here for a week" The unicorn asked Whipped cream.

"I'm sure he will be back soon, I've been wanting to show him a new elegant dance I've created"

"I wonder what he is up to right now?"

"Probably busy with his clothing business" The ballet male assumed.

Stollen was quite curious to find out who this Pastel meringue guy was, the female collage student decides to find the golden dragon first before persuading with further actions.

Pastel meringue enters the pineapple temple without any distraction, Ananas dragon comes up to him and asks where he was for the past week. The fashion designer just ignores them. "Why are you avoiding the question?" The golden dragon asks being annoyed.

"It's none of your concern.." Pastel meringue responds calmly. "I was simply at an important meeting" He goes on to explain.

"A meeting with who exactly?" The dragon glares at the fashion designer.

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