The Aliens of Mothership Zeta

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When the sun rises on the wasteland, a wanderer can look out over this vast stretch of lifeless dust and feel utterly alone. When that sun sets, and the stars shine, mankind must accept that we are far from alone in this universe. Of late, humanity has had to share the Earth with mutants, ghouls, and robots, but it has been centuries since our species could claim this planet as our sole domain. Even when America was just a group of colonies six hundred year ago it was being watched from afar by a diabolical race from the far reaches of the cosmos.

Most people will laugh if you say that aliens exist. Folk will believe in walking corpses, talking deathclaws, and brains in jars with psychic powers, but they draw the line at little green men in flying saucers. That's the stuff of pre-war holotapes and radio shows. But no matter how stubborn the skeptics are, the evidence is undeniable. Go to the right part of the wasteland, and anyone can see the remains of a crashed UFO for themselves.

Fallout 3 Mothership Zeta History

Some people wave these sightings off as experimental pre-war air craft that just look like UFO's, but that flying saucer North of Washington DC sure wasn't a pre-war bomber. Alien ships have been crashing all over the wasteland for over a hundred years. They're hidden deep in the wasteland, but they're out there for those who want to believe.

The descendants of the Vault Dweller from Vault 13 swear that the Vault Dweller stumbled upon such a craft over a century ago, and briefly carried an alien weapon. The wasteland's top scientific minds have held the thing in their hands. It doesn't work anymore - runs on some kind of alien power cell that humanity can't reproduce, but some of the brightest minds in the wasteland have examined it and are convinced that it's beyond anything made by human hands, even before the war.

That particular space blaster disappeared a while ago. Last anyone knew it was in the hands of a talkative merchant who probably had no idea what the thing was. Might have made its way into the hands of someone who put it to good use, or it could be at the bottom of old saddlebag adorning some brahmin skeleton in the middle of the NCR.

Fallout Alien Blaster Location

Other alien artifacts have been discovered all over the wasteland, and some of the more wondrous technology out there is said to be derived from alien designs. A few unfortunate people out in the wasteland are cursed with mutations that grant them psychic powers. Sounds like a tall tale, but when you've seen a person's head explode from within, you'll become a believer right quick. The only thing that keeps these folk from nuking their noggins is a "Psychic Nullifier" that uses alleged alien engineering. The Master used these to keep some of his more unique mutants under control, but the design can still be found out there being used by "Highly Intuitive" denizens of the Mojave.

Much of the amazing technology that the Enclave used is speculated to have extraterrestrial origins back before the war, and some military installations even have artificial intelligence that was said to be created in pre-war times with alien technology.

The government back then never officially admitted it, but they knew that aliens had visited Earth. Right before the Great War, some of the smarter folk figured out that the apocalypse was a-coming, and they came up with all kinds of plans to survive. Vaults, and secret oil rigs, but one of the more daring plans was to leave Earth entirely. The knowledge that there were other inhabitable worlds out there inspired the Enclave to look into space travel, although the war hit before they could actually get off the planet.

The Enclave are probably lucky that they never made it to another world, because by all accounts the aliens are just as nasty as anything here on Earth.

Yup, there are people who've met these malevolent visitors face to face and can still talk about it. A few years ago, a person who came out of one of the vaults on the East Coast ended up getting teleported aboard one of the mother ships. That's right, those little saucers that are crashed all over the place, those are just scout ships. There was a whole army of aliens up there in a mothership, and their own records prove that they've been here for a good six hundred years. Kidnapping and experimenting on humanity the whole time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2015 ⏰

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