00. The Summer of 2002 ─ Who's Maisie?

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June 9th, 2002. The Zweig Household

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀"How many bathrooms does your house have?" The question made Patrick roll his eyes and slump into the passenger seat. That only made Art grin, leaning forward, extending the seatbelt.

Mr. Zweig's eyes never left the road but knowing Patrick wouldn't answer, he replied instead, "Four, son."

"Do you have a tennis court? Patrick told me you had one but-" Art leaned back into his seat, "I just wanna make sure."

"Just behind our pool." Mr. Zweig muttered with a small but polite smile.

"Whoa, we don't even have a pool."

"You guys have a wine cellar though." Patrick turned his head to face Art with an eyebrow raised, "Plus a fountain and pond in your garden."

When Art acknowledged the comment with an expression that read touche, Patrick grinned as he went back to looking at the road straight ahead.

Summer holidays started two days ago. Instead of Art rotting away back at his house or being forced to play with the family friends' kids for three months, his best friend -and right now, his lifesaver- fortunately offered him to stay with his family until school starts up again. The two boys were relieved that eigth grade was over, now they could relax and hang out, play videogames and obviously, tennis. Their shared soulmate.

"Who lives with you again, Pat?" Art called out, "Besides you and your dad of course."

"Mom, plus our dog, Kiki." His smile shown, his teeth were awfully straight despite never having braces. "Also my sister, she's back from school too."

The blonde raised an eyebrow, "You have a sister?"

Patrick straightened his back and turned his head to face Art again, this time with an offended look. His eyebrows stitched together as he scolded, "A twin sister! I've mentioned her to you!"

Art's jaw dropped, "No, you haven't!"

Patrick nodded vigorously, "I have! A few times, at least!"

Art raised an eyebrow as a small smirk started to form on his lips as his brain thought of what he was going to ask Patrick, just to rile him up. However, the view of Mr. Zweig's eyes in the rearview mirror made Art halt the words from leaving his mouth.

Instead, he mouthed but Patrick could understand him clearly.

"Is she hot?"

His best friend's face grimmed, disgust twisted into his frown. He looked to his dad to make sure his eyes were still focused on the road before trying to subtly flip off Art.

A snicker escaped Art's foolish grin, knowing Patrick couldn't do anything at that moment. For once during the entire two hour road trip, Art was glad that Patrick chose to sit in the passenger seat then sit at the back with him.

Before Art could laugh any louder, he immediately shut his mouth once he felt speed bump, causing the car to rise too high for a split second. In turn, Art looked up and finally took in his surroundings. Forty minutes ago, they were still at an empty highway but now they were driving through a neighbourhood where the houses were too far from their gates. Actually, they were more-so mansions then houses.

"Oh, we're here!" Patrick beamed, "Hey Art, this is the neighbourhood I grew up in!"

He sat properly again on his seat as he eyes the homes they passed but his focus was only on the numbers of the gates and mailboxes. "Three... five...seven... here!"

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