~Imagine if I had a secret lost twin ...~

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"Yui, you like skating, right?" The twin's pink haired uncle began, putting down his calligraphy brush as he turned to face his nephew. The female curiously looked towards her brother and uncle, still holding her own brush, whilst Yuichiro nodded. "Well, there's a place I want to show you where many skaters meet up to show their skills."

The twins turned to each other before facing their uncle again.
"Is it like a club?" Yuichiro asked as the adult smiled.
"Not completely." The man pulled a sticker with the letter 'S' on it from his pocket. "You do need one of these to get in, which I can sort out for you."

"I wanna go! I wanna go!" (Y/n) chanted.
"Okay then, I'll show you both." Kaoru said. "But you two have to wait until midnight." The siblings tilted their heads in confusion at that. "The reason for that is because 'S' only opens at midnight due to it being a top secret place, so promise not to tell anyone about it, okay?"
"Yes, Uncle Kaoru!"


Too bad that was the same day that he never came home.


'Who is this kid again?'

You were still staring down at the fourteen year old in front of you and Langa as he smirked up at you.
"So, will you both go against me in a beef?"
"Don't to it, Langa." Reki began to protest. "I know that (y/n) has the experience and skills to go against him, but for you, this guy is on a whole other level."

"You're a snowboarder, correct?" Miya asked, looking directly at the Canadian. "I want to see the skating of yours that beat Shadow."
A few moments passed before Langa replied. "I'll do it." You turned to the male beside you, wondering what he was thinking.
"Stop it!" The redhead argued. "Don't get cocky just because you mastered an ollie! This guy is a Japan national team hopeful!"
"I'll do it."
"Hey, listen!"

"So, what about you, Muichiro?" You glared down at the boy, causing him to get a sudden shiver.
"Don't use that name outside of 'S'." You blankly told him, but in that moment, he seemed to gain a tougher backbone.
"Why shouldn't I? It's not like there's anyone here who doesn't know." At the teens statement, your eyes widened.

'Why did I care so much...?'

"Sure, whatever, then." You answered, agreeing to the competition.
"So we have a deal." Miya said, taking Sketchy, the fox-like animal, into his arms. "I'll consider what we should bet on."


"You really are reckless." Your red-headed friend told Langa as the three of you skated into 'S', but this time, during the day.
"How so?" The blue haired male asked.
"The same thing happened with Shadow." Reki stated. "You make beefs sound like they're no problem, but now you're against the guy who wants to represent Japan in the Olympics."

"I mean, I'll be with (y/n)." Langa said, making you hum in agreement. "Plus, it sounded fun."
"You think you can ride the Reki RSP0 here too?" The redhead questioned, causing you and the Canadian to become confused.
"The what?" You asked.
"It's the name of Langa's board!" Reki stated. "'Reki Royal Straight Prince Zero'."

After the boy explained the acronym, you tilted your head at him and gave him a blank expression.
"Lame." You stated, earning a 'HUH?!' From the male.
"What does Prince Zero mean anyway?" Langa asked.
"The girls at school call you Prince, right?"
"They don't." Langa retorted.
"They do! Im telling you!" Reki then looked to you. "(Y/n), you're a girl! Tell him what they call him!"
"I don't talk to anyone else in our year, so I wouldn't know." From that, you got a somewhat sympathetic yet curious face from the two.

Suddenly, a green and purple clothed figure skated right in between Reki and Langa, whilst you had to swiftly move out of the way before he crashed into you.
"Hey, dude! You almost hit (y/n)! What's your problem!" The redhead yelled at the hooded boy, who now stood in front of you around a meter away.

"Why did I start again?"~{Muichiro Fem!Reader x Sk8 Infinity}Where stories live. Discover now