Care to be Mine | Chapter - 20

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Taehyung felt shiver running his spine hearing him chuckle . He gulped down the hot taste .

He doesn't know what but his headache lowered slowly disappearing also he felt an sudden urge to rest too even though he slept god knows how much hours .

" Angel... you are different "

Taehyung looked at him weirdly and shook his head .

" Different , my a-s . I am just resolute , brave and a human... not like you "

Taehyung mumbered the last words under his breath making it impossible to hear . Jungkook just smiled in response .

" Yes , you are . The little sweet boy was long gone.... he was so cute , so adorable and a little feather to feel but you are different . I myself doubt you are the same boy and yes , you are resolute to get what you want... you know you are also clever than before "

Jungkook said while his lips turned into a smirk without his consent but he did not tried to hide rather lowered his head making his figure to look scary as a psycho making Taehyung to gulp to doubt the elder .

" W-What you mean ?? "

Taehyung cursed his toungue for betraying him .

" Nothing... sleep well and I will wake you up at morning to eat your breakfast... We will spend tomorrow with fun . Okay ?? "

Jungkook said with a charming voice and eyes . His eyes is all to speak . Those black charcoal eyes brings not only the bleed to his heart but also the butterflies to his stomach .

" Shut up and fly away for your work "

" Angel... You should also shut up and fly to your dream with me . I have some works to complete so I will back soon . Don't even think of stepping out of the room , I can caught your kitty tail "

The chuckle is always dark... but the words are always sweet . The difference is always had Jungkook from his birth... but something is truly he cannot differentiate... his feelings for Taehyung... his angel .

Or is it ??

Jungkook lastly tried to kiss his temple but Taehyung shu-eed him while laying down to sleep while yawning .

" I am sleepy "

Jungkook just chuckled seeing Taehyung acting all cute which he not but for the whipped creature... everything is just cute if it is related to his bias .

" Sleep tight , Angel . You are my angel who made my darkness emitted with light like the moon in the night so... I want you to smile bright rather all this "

The last three words is just his thoughts .

Taehyung heard the footsteps being fainted and the sound of closing the door . He simply sigh . He was feeling something burning his all burned heart with his emotions .

He smiled for himself and been a statue of sleeping beauty for a fine 5 - 10 minutes . When he ensured , Jungkook went away . He slowly stood up while eyeing the room like simply .

He pouted showing his sleep is foreign but is it .

He stood up and looked at the door... he closed his eyes and shook his head .

He wants his moves perfect simply... he cannot risk any life for his all just a name revenge and not for being his fu-king doll .

He walked to the bathroom and checked it all clearly not finding anything suspicious even the drawers were clean and filled with skincare products that to with his skin type .

Taehyung felt something in his heart... little doubtfully realising... Jungkook did not really found him the way he want... the way his plan went . He felt a little nervous at a thoughts... did his plan is know by him ? Is it a trap to make him fall for him ? Is it a plan to make him come to him by his own as his words ?

He felt like crying but he cannot risk... the Satan has its ears everywhere around him... if it hears his even a sob than the lives which is at the cliff just because for his plan will be dead... as he said .

He cleaned his hands and washed his dizzy eyes to not fell on the floor and went away outside . He roamed his hands on everything and slowly he caught his eyes to the ring .

Fu-k it !! How can he forget it !!

He cursed under his breath... now knowing what Jungkook's words mean .

But..... 1000000 % sure he cannot be know about that so how can it be ?? Is he is a mind reader ?? Fu-k the sh-t .

Is Jungkook is too naive to trust him ??

No , a sh-t sherlock , goddess , god , fate , moon , night all the witnesses NO .

Jungkook can be anything but naive , innocent .

His cute bambi eyes may be having these qualities but he... note the mock... never .

Taehyung has to do something for the ring before that he should rest so that he can work on it .

He knows this is not a thing will happen in a day or so . It can even take years but he wants the cliff hangers just for him to be safe and sound .

He is mourning inside for them . They can be beaten up , unconscious or anything and he... here.... getting the queen treatment....just not the responsibilities .

Taehyung walked to the soft sheet covered bed and sat on it while leaning his head on the headboard .

He cannot get himself together with the thoughts .

Jimin... he don't know what he is doing with that cat .

He is sure that it will go by the plan .

He is sure that Jimin is not naive for helping with his plans . They can be friends , best-friends... the hell soulmates but still they have their own paths to lead in life and with their works , they just grown up with benefits return .

It is not like Jimin will not give his life for Tarhyung but he can just not let the eyes caught him after years of running... also Jimin knows Taehyung will never force him in this matter .

Even though , Jimin never said anything to Taehyung... he knows his soulmate has its ways to know about him .

They knows each other more than anyone .

They may be just meet for few years but that never stopped their bond to strengthen to the hell of the heaven .

Taehyung closed his eyes and the tear was long teared in his cheeks without his knowledge... without his conscience .

His body has its own consciousness to work .

He just can't take anymore... that even his close related people betraying him and helping that bi-ch lucifer .

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