Character Asthetic : ADHIRA

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"Don't mistake me for week , you'll only make yourself fool"
Hi , let me just give you a straight forward introduction.
My name is Adhira , and I am 23 and I completed my mbbs and going to do specialization as cardiologist. I have a joint family,  but they doesn't matter to me .
I don't have good relationships with them , i am short heighten girl and little chubby and yeah i do hate my body and appearance because they made me hate myself. I was ok in my life listening taunts from my parents, getting insulted by my siblings and for relatives i am good for nothing. And after so much i accepted the fact that i am not any worth. But a single day changed my life upside down and now i wanna

 But a single day changed my life upside down and now i wanna

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Author's note: ADHIRA, she broke in many ways and slowly she was killing herself mentally and emotionally. She acts calm and fine but she is not. Her life is not like piece of cake and cherry on top she suffered most traumatizing incident which made her like this . Once upon a time She is strong and confident and optimistic personality.
But life is not same for everyone .
Well noe too she is strong enough that she hold on herself after all this.

She is just like moon , she was lonely, beautiful and now killing calm . Under her calmness she was hiding her emptyness . She was unaware of her strength,  she is unware that she has power to form tides which can cause destruction.

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