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How dare you?" she shouted and slapped the person who was standing beside her. Her face was straight with no expressions she doesn't look angry at all ,and with the sudden jerk that person try to hold her hand but she immediately pulled her hand back , suddenly bus applied brakes and made her trip on toes , she was about to fell but she managed herself and took her steps back, And got off from a bus . 

who is she ? She doesn't look okay? Why did she react in this way? Weird girl, wait why are you curious?
Ahh ABHYUDIT focuses on your life. I cursed myself and got off the bus too.
Radhika must be worried about me, I think I should inform her. I pulled out my cellphone ,

Radhika calling...
*here I knew it *

Radhika: "where are you bhai ?"

ABHYUDIT:"I was about to call you, rabbit?"

Radhika: "first stop with those names , and second you love to make me worry about you ? Your all 7 cars were in parking ?

ABHYUDIT: hey hey hey! Calm down
I came to the hospital for some important meetings. I took the bus today .I will be at home till late evening so take care of yourself till then. Understand.

Radhika: bhai, you have so many cars then why the hell do you take bus rides?

ABHYUDIT : rabbit language!

Radhika: I am sorry .

ABHYUDIT: well , a man should not forget his roots, where he came from , and yeah I do feel nostalgic and happy.

Radhika: okh, please come soon .

ABHYUDIT: I will try.

And I hang up and slide the phone into my pocket while entering the hospital. From the reception lobby I took Elevator after crossing the corridor. I got off from the lift on the 5th floor and tried to search for a meeting.
I saw a nurse coming towards me,

"Excuse me " I asked and heard

" yes, how may i help. " as a reply .

"Umm can you tell me where's a meeting room " she replied in no time ,

"Go straight and turned left , from the left the 3rd room was the meeting room.  You'll see the label at the door of that room."

"Thank you very much" I greeted and went straight.

While i was walking towards that room suddenly i felt some slimy thing under my shoes and before I realized, I slipped off and my face landed in someone's  lap ,near the bench .I immediately pulled my face and tried to balance myself while a hand touched my right cheek and  I fell again but this time on the bench . I hitched in pain and blood rushed into my body.

"Don't you dare? !"

A cold feminine and shouted whisper voice came into my ears and I turned my head back and saw the same girl from the bus, that same weird girl.

"I didn't even dared yet." I answered

back and took my steps close to her .
Her face was straight and expressionless .

I can't see anger or any offence in her eyes then why she slapped me. I am good at reading people's body language , but she is damn confusing, her actions don't match with her expressions and body language.

She turned her heels and moved from there in the opposite direction. Wait , what ? You just slapped someone without reason and now you were going like nothing happened and cherry on top her straight face dancing on my nerves making me even more angry.
I can't let you go like this ! I pulled her hand and turned her towards me.

"Lagta hai logo befisul thappad marne ki aadat hai, aapko?"
I said .

With my touch, I see some changes in her eyes. While I was looking straight in her eyes her lips moved and the voice came.

"Jane do hume"

"hume koi shouk nahi hai aapko pakad ke rakhne ka, thodha apne hatho ko control mein rakha kariye". I replied.

I left her hand and went from there, this girl is not weird but mad , and i hate these kinda girls, they always think that the world revolves around them.

And the attitude she held made me feel nothing but irritated . well i came here for work Let's focus on that , i came in front of the meeting room and knocked,

"Hello, ABHYUDIT SINHA , how are you? "

MR. RAKESH KHANNA , the owner of the hospital and HOD of cardiology department and for me he is a master key for my company's success , if this meeting is successful then our company was able to do exportation of our pharmacy product to other countries and was able to deal great things with coming investment . from here things can take great turn for future .

"Hello sir , it's nice meeting you . I am good . How's your health?"

I greeted him with a warm smile.

"I am good too well at this age What do you expect?"

" Good to hear that , should we start meeting?"

First encounter war little heated up one🥲 ofcourse a slap really💀.
pls guys follow me and pls vote on chapter's, and don't forget to share your valuable veiws.
target 100 votes🥹.

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