Flash Man X Reader

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In the year 200X, you were built with Dr. Wily's combat robots, Metal Man, Air Man, Bubble Man, Quick Man, Crash Man, Flash Man, Heat Man and Wood Man, but you were kept as a secret project and the other Robot Masters didn't know about you. But one day, after his first failed attempt to conquer the world, Dr. Wily wanted to take another attempt at world domination. He decided to introduce you, or as he called you his "Secret Weapon" to the other Robot Masters.

When you were introduced, you got along with all eight Robot Masters, but you got along with Flash Man the most. You and him would spend time pranking Dr. Light's robots, pranks that would leave you two laughing until you couldn't breathe.

Until Dr. Wily started his world domination plan, you had to stay on a abandoned place until Mega Man, a robot Dr. Wily said you had to defeat, came. You were a little frightened, by the fact that your good friends Wood Man and Air Man were taken out by Mega Man. You didn't want to be destroyed, not when you were friends with Flash. To tell the truth, you kinda had a crush on him, strengthening the fact you got along with quickly.

You heard a slight noise, the sound of a Teleportation beam. The moment you heard it, you jumped up. This could only have meant that Mega Man had already defeated most of the Robot Masters, your friends, and the thought of this made you feel a mixture of sadness as anger, making you more confident in fighting Mega Man. But you soon realized, Flash Man is still alive. His stage is after yours. You instantly felt better, but not for long, as the doors opened, and a blue and cyan robot appeared.

"I am Mega Man! I will fight you to obtain everlasting peace!" he shouted.

"As if!" You heard a voice behind you, you turned around only to meet the eyes of your crush Flash Man.

"I'll take care of this." He said, winking at you.

He turned to back to Mega Man and signaled him to fight him.

"Give me your best shot" he said.

You backed up to watch. He would get hit a few times, and Mega would get hit right back, but Mega Man had slightly a little more health than Flash, but Flash was getting ready to use his Time Stopper, but Mega was getting charging his Mega Buster, and unleashed it before Flash Man could stop Mega Man with Time Stopper. Mega Man got hit with Time stopper though, and he froze in place, but Mega Man's Mega Buster still hit Flash, fatally blasting Flash Man in his shoulder, knocking him down. You immediately ran up to him.

"Hurry, W-while he's f-frozen" he could only whisper weakly to you.

"Hurry with what? Flash, I'm staying here with you." You said as tears started building up in your eyes.

"E-exactly, Let's l-leave before he unfreezes."

"But how?"

"T-teleport me with the teleportation beam."he said as he placed his hand on top of yours.

The teleportation beam washed you both with light, before teleporting you two out of your stage, just before Mega Man unfroze. He stood confused, in an empty room. He shrugged it off and proceeded to Wily Castle.

You were unexpectedly teleported to Light Labs, where you saw your Robot Master friends! They were being repaired by Dr. Light, after Mega Man said that he wanted the Robot Masters to be repaired after he fought them. Dr. Light then came to you and Flash Man and offered to repair you two. You agreed, and he put you in offline mode so he could repair you and Flash Man

You awoke, fully repaired, and fully functional. Dr. Light was standing beside you, and you thanked him for the repair. He said someone was waiting for you outside. Questioning who it was you went outside, to find Flash Man holding a bouquet of flowers.

"I'm so glad I met you, otherwise I wouldn't have any reason to be repaired, because... I love you."

Your only reaction was to give him a passionate kiss, because you felt the same way.

"I love you too" you smiled, and kissed him again.

MegaMan Robot Master x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now