Sheepishly in Love (Sheep Man x Reader)

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Outside of Dr. Light's laboratory, there was a snowstorm. It seemed more like a blizzard than a snowstorm. You were looking outside the window, through the flurry of snow, when you heard a voice behind you that made you jump.

"Oh, sorry... Ice Man wants you to take this to Freeze Man." Cut Man said, handing you a package.

"B-but.... Why can't Ice Man take it to him? It's snowing hard outside and he's the one built for exploration in frigid temperatures!" You protested.

"I forgot to tell you. Ice Man had a accident with Flame Man. Flame Man was being a huge jerk and then he hurt Ice Man with his flames. Poor guy.

"Oh... Ok, I'll do it! Tell Ice Man to get well soon!" You said, then you bolted out the door, package in hand.

"Oh man, I shouldn't have gone without something to keep me warm..." You said to yourself.

You'd just have to push yourself through the blizzard.


The blizzard got even more intense, but you kept going. Up until the point where you collapsed into the blanket of snow.

"I...can't do it.." You whispered to yourself.

You felt something pick you up, then something felt really warm. You opened your eyes to see a sheep-like robot master, hugging you.

" What are you doing...?" You ask.

"Oh... I'm Sheep Man. I saw you collapsed, and I thought I could warm you up..."

"Thank you, Sheep Man. I'm (Y/n), nice to meet you." You smiled at him.

"What are you doing around here? It's in the middle of a blizzard." He asks.

"I wanted to deliver a package from my friend to someone." You reply.

"How about I tag along? It's boring out here. By the way, you'll get cold." He said, hugging you tighter.

"I'd appreciate it! Thanks." You say as you start to pull away from him and start walking.

"Woah, wait..." He said, running up to you

"W-what did I do?" You ask.

"Jump on." He motioned to his back.

"You want me to ride on you?!?" You were surprised.

"How else are you going to stay warm?" He said.

"O-Ok..." You jump onto his back and hug his warm wool.

"I promise I won't shock you." He said as he starts to walk into the storm.


"Stop here" you jump off Sheep Man and go into a place that looks like a palace made out of ice.

You give the package to Freeze Man, where he exchanges it with one of his.

"Take it back to Ice Man... I hope he's ok..." Freeze Man says with a worried tone in his voice.

"Will do!" You flash a thumbs up to make him feel better.

You rush outside and hop onto Sheep Man.

"Come on, let's go!" You say, as if you were a knight riding on a horse.


As you arrive to Light's lab, you go inside, and Sheep Man follows behind. You run to Ice Man's room, where you find him laying down on his bed, eating ice cream.

"Ice Man! I got the package." You said and gave it to him.

Ice Man locked his eyes on Sheep Man, who was still hugging you.

"So... Are you two dating...?" Ice Man asks.

Sheep Man immediately let's go of you.

"'s not like that! You see, she got cold from outside...she was going to freeze! So I..." He was interrupted by you kissing him on the cheek.

"You're lying!" Ice Man said, pointing at you two.

"I guess I am..." Sheep Man said, hugging you again.

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