The Breaking Point

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"Scatter!" Leonardo's deep voice ordered the group of six that had been cornered by a mixed legion of foot bots and foot soldiers.

April and Casey sprinted for the North. Donatello went North East, so he could reach the two humans- cough April cough- if they needed back up. Raphael went East to cover Donatello's shell, if he was distracted saving April- sorry April and Casey. And Leonardo South East to cover Raphael's shell in case he had to save Donatello's shell.

As for Michelangelo, he was forced to go West, the exact opposite of any back up.

Meaning he would be relying on himself. Again. As he had been doing for nearly seven months now. He scowled when he noticed half of the Foot chasing after him, realizing he had basically just been abandoned by his own team. Because of course they noticed, even if no one in the Lotus Clan did.

'Well,' Michelangelo mused. 'I suppose there's one good thing that comes out of being ditched by your own team time after time.' He kept running until he knew they were out of range of the others. Once they were officially on their own, the orange banded turtle turned around sharply with a feral grin of repressed emotions on his face that made the human foot ninja wary of him.

"So. Who wants to dance?" He asked sweetly before he disappeared from their sight. Only to reappear in the middle of their mob as he began to take them all out.

Michelangelo had a great many things over the others in his clan. His speed, the only thing everyone reluctantly agreed on, a speed they only knew a fraction of. His skills, which he stopped showing by the time they were all eight. His intelligence, which he kept dumbed down in their presence. And his observational ability, which no one in the Lotus Clan knew even existed.

It was with this last ability that he could pick out the robots mixed in with the humans of their 'rival' clan. A sentiment Michelangelo didn't share, but no one needed to know that.

So unlike the others who were going to have to be picky about how they dealt with their pursuers, he could easily crush the skulls of robots without any problem while just putting the humans out of the fight. Of course, also unlike the others in the clan, Michelangelo never did any serious damage. After all, facing the Foot Clan was his only real form of entertainment. So why would he break them?

Unlike with the others, he didn't have to hold himself back when he faced off against anyone in the opposing clan. Well, the elite, but only because they were the ones their group fought against often enough that one of the elite- Bradford, probably- would realize that something was off about 'Mikey' and reveal it to the rest of the Lotus Clan. And them actually figuring anything out could ruin the peaceful, if frustrating and unhappy, existence Michelangelo currently led.

But, that was if he wanted to give them the credit of looking past their egos to the anomaly. It was 50/50 on that.

Michelangelo took enjoyment in the fight. And he knew he had put the human foot soldiers at unease with how he effortlessly turned bots into scrap while doing just the least amount of damage to them to keep them out of the fight. 'Hm. I wonder if they think I'm merely getting lucky at picking out the bots? Or if they've noticed that it's deliberate?' Michelangelo mused as he danced between attacks like a ballerina.

At some point, he had noticed a fallen katana. When Splinter had forced them to use each other's weapons, Michelangelo had been disgusted with himself and the lack of skill he had with the long blades.

After that incident, he had trained for hours and hours in the areas throughout the sewer Donatello had yet to put cameras. It was these sleepless nights and long secret hours that resulted in Michelangelo being proficient in each of the weapons the others specialized in, even the tessen April was so proud of advancing in.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30 ⏰

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