Episode one: H.E.L.L

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-many many years before Heart of dragons-

Derrick walked over to his fathers throne as he sat on the throne he was around five years old he was looking around as Lucifer walked over to Derrick "morning my son" Lucifer said and looked at Derrick "why aren't you torturing?" Derrick asked "who's the ruler of hell? Oh that's me, why are you telling me what to do boy" Lucifer said "cause your losing your touch your evil ways old man" Derrick yelled and stood up "you may be the overlord of hell but I'm still the devil watch your tone!" Lucifer yelled "fine I'm sorry father" Derrick jumped up and walked away from the throne.
A demon appeared "shall I watch the radio demon sir?" The demon asked as Lucifer shook his head "leave the boy alone he's throwing a fit" Lucifer said while getting an idea "he's gonna overthrow me I know it his memories need to be erased and he needs to be banished to that place Dear old dad loves, earth I think it's called" lucifer stated.

A few demons surround Derrick "out of the way peasant" Derrick clenched his fist "no we have our orders" the demons said as Lucifer walks between the crowd  "ah son change  in plans"  Lucifer tapped derricks head erasing his memories and licking his powers away before opening a rift, lucifer lifts him up and chucks him into the portal.


Derrick woke up in a wheat field, he had sat up and looked around as a farmer had walked over to Derrick "are you Lost young one?" The farmer asked as Derrick shrugged not having any memory of what happened "where am I?" Derrick asked and looked around "your on my farm, what is your name?" The farmer asked as Derrick scratched the back of his head lightly "I-I think it's Derrick" he said softy as the farmer nodded "come on I'll feed ya" he said and held his hand out to Derrick.

-just a year and a half later-

Derrick and his friend ran through a wheat field laughing and giggling they were playing tag as Derrick was running from his friend "YOU CANT CATCH ME JAMES!!" Derrick laughed out "oh yes I can just watch me!" James said as Derrick ran into a group of men before falling to the ground "HEY WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING!!" Derrick yelled and looked up at the males "Derrick those are bandits!" James yelled and froze.

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