The betrayal

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Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon, the son of lord Garmadon.  When he was only a kid he wanted so bad to be just like him but along came the ninja :they protected ninjago they made him see the light the light he so obviously lacked but if only both sides felt the same thing but good things don't last forever.

In ninjago city things seemed quite no villains no crime nothing at all it was a little to quiet after all it was ninjago so you'd expect some sort of crime but no.
The ninja being the ninja took it as a chance to rest although sensei wu had been on edge as he said it might as well be the clam before the storm but instead of listening to the old but wise sensei they ignored him.

Lloyd on the other hand was being ignored every time he comes into the room says hi they just ignored him it was starting to become obvious that Kai was getting ticked off, he had enough of Lloyd and his shenanigans he had enough of it all .

He's just like his father always put people in danger only thinking about himself Kai thought. But the honest truth is that everyone thinks that about him. Lloyd being oblivious to the fact that the ninja might actually hate him

The truth is finally unraveling itself
Lloyd had come out of his room because he had Kai shouting.

Ug i hate him I hate Lloyd so much he shouted in rage 
Brother you have to calm down if you don't want Lloyd to go evil on us 'sighs' did my own brother just ignore me Ug boys nya said
Kai you should listen to your sister agreed jay
Affirmative, for once I agree with you jay     Zane said
Guys I think we need to shut up Lloyd is coming Cole said
you think it's more like we have to shut up nya snapped

Lloyd had heard shouting from 2 of the ninja Kai and Nya he felt so betrayed now he knows what the ninja really thinks about him
He feels betrayed yes but he also felt a burning hot fire of rage boiling out of a non existent container.

If they want a villain that's what they're going to get.

Lloyd did nothing to deserve this betrayal all he did was stay loyal to the ninja they only hated him because of his blood because he was the son of lord Garmadon the worst villain they had ever fought but he just keeps coming back.

Lloyd had to make an escape plan he wasn't going to live with people who think so lowly about him
He'd wait till night fall when everyone was asleep he'd have to sneak around the defences and the cameras that wasn't even the hard bit Lloyd wanted to break into kriptarum prison and break some villains out that were imprisoned by him and some how reason with them to make them believe Lloyd had turned evil

With Harumi

Crystal king you summoned me asked harumi
Yes I did we need to talk about Lloyd spoke the crystal king
Why though his loyalty lies with the ninja he'd never turn his back on them responded harumi
Ah that's were you're wrong the ninja has betrayed him I can sense he feels a great deal of rage and hatred towards the ninja are you forgetting what Lloyd really is what other Side of his soul is fuelled by revenge and rage corrected the crystal king

Of course he's part oni harumi remembered

The crystal king had an evil smirk on his face hidden behind his mask
Lloyd I knew you'd eventually find out the crystal king whispered to himself

Meanwhile with Lloyd

Lloyd couldn't stop feeling his never ending rage he should be sad but for what ever reason he doesn't.

Suddenly a smirk crept on Lloyds face but quickly changed it to a crying sad person
Why do you all hate me I did nothing wrong Lloyd said with fake tears falling down his face
Lloyd we don't hate you nya said but it was futile to convince him otherwise
I heard you and Kai you said you didn't want me going evil on you said Lloyd knowing full well what he heard

With that Lloyd went back to his room.

Night came quickly much to Lloyd's surprise

The rest of the ninja were sound asleep so sneaking out wasn't much an issue

He snuck past all the defences and cameras
Surprisingly he got all the way down to the bottom of the mountain the monastery had rest upon
What he didn't expect is to be met by the once former jade princess harumi
Hello Lloyd harumi said
What is you want harumi just get out of my way I'm not in the mood for your little revenge on me part Lloyd said venom poring out of his voice

Now now Lloyd I'm not looking for trouble the crystal king has ordered me to come and get you harumi stated
How can I trust you Lloyd said cautiously
I told what I'm doing here didn't I harumi said playfully
Fine rumi Lloyd spoke his voice leased with anger but also a hint of sadness

Ah Lloyd it's nice to meet you the crystal king spoke but there was an air of danger that seemed to surround the creature on the magenta crystal throne

Something was off about Lloyd his gaze filled with hatred with anger his eyes turned purple
Everything within him was boiling out like hot lava
Lloyd control your anger harumi warned him
No rumi I want to make them pay the ninja are the real villains Lloyd breathed out

The crystal king smirked evilly at the ninja turned villain
Welcome, son of Garmadon the crystal king said his voice leased In darkness and evil

....Son..... a voice from behind said
Dad what are you doing here Lloyd asked
What did the ninja do you Lloyd Garmadon questioned
Oh nothing but stab me in the back he responded his tone sounded angry

Let's go spar son let some of that anger out
No I feel powerful every part of me is enjoying this rage I should feel sad but I'm not I don't feel a thing but anger and hatred some part of me just wants to let it fuel me make me stronger

A smirk spread across Garmadon's face in realisation
Son it seems like you've inherited my power
You mean I'm an oni Lloyd said shocked
Your part Oni Garmadon corrected

So it means that I have the power of the oni flowing through me Lloyd asked
Yes but you have to learn to use it and use it on will Garmadon explained

And they did just that it took a few days to learn how to teach Lloyd to give in to his anger but when he did he was a force to be reckoned with and the best part about it all is that the ninja had no idea of what monster they made of him

Just like his father anger makes him stronger

1198-word count

Betrayal can change a person Where stories live. Discover now