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Jack rubbed his eyes, feeling the light peering into his room from the outside as he had just woken up from his slumber. Even if he got the usual amount of sleep he was getting nowadays at college, but it didn't make him any less sleepy. If he was honest with himself, staying asleep would have been much better than dealing with whatever was going on outside right now. Just as he began to consider falling asleep again, he got cut off by someone knocking on the door to his room.

"I'm coming!" He said in a lazy sleepy tone, getting up from the bed as he rubbed his eyes again and made his way to the door. When he opened them, he was greeted by the sight of Andre standing in front of him. The police officer continued to wear his uniform along with the overcoat that he kept stored in the trunk of his cruiser. He had a police baton attached to his hip as well. The blond haired young man smiled at his friend, "Morning, Andre."

"Good morning to you too, Jack." Andre smiled at him, "Sorry for waking you up if you were still sleeping, but I figured out I should wake you up as everyone is up at this point and you would definitely get an earful from Larry and Lilly if you stayed inside. Thought this is something you'd like to avoid."

"Yeah. I would definitely like to avoid going through it after waking up." Jack agreed with him with gratitude showing in his voice, stretching his arms above his head.

Andre looked at him questioningly, "How did you slept?"

"Pretty well. Or at least as good as you can in a situation like this." Jack gave Andre an honest answer as he pointed at his coat, "New outfit?"

Andre nodded in confimation, "Yeah. Had this stored in my cruiser for all this time and I thought I should finally start wearing it now that I know I will be staying in this place for a while."

"Alright." Jack said in understanding as he walked out of his room and closed the door behind him before following Andre into the motor inn's parking lot.

He looked around himself a second later, wanting to know what the others were doing right now and saw everyone occupied with their own stuff. He saw Clementine and Duck running around and playing tag with Katjaa watching over them. Katjaa gave Jack a kind smile and Jack smiled back at her, giving her a wave and continued to look around the place. It wasn't long before he saw Carley as he saw her keeping the watch on top of the RV.

It didn't took him long to notice Lee, Kenny and Doug as well as he saw all three of them pushing cars to cover the weak points of the motor inn. He couldn't see Larry and Lilly anywhere, though. If he were to guess, then Larry was probably sleeping right now due to him keeping the first night watch last night and Lilly was off doing her own stuff in her room. Unless he suddenly became blind and she was outside but couldn't see her.

He got pushed out of his thoughts a second later as Andre told him, "I'm gonna now. Lilly wanted me in her room as we have a few matters to discuss."

"Alright. I'll see you later, then." Jack said in understanding as Andre nodded at him and turned away from him, beginning to walk away from him towards Lilly's room. With him having been left alone by Andre, Jack decided to bother himself with something and went to Lee, Kenny and Doug with an intention of helping them with pushing the cars. He made his way to them and made his presence known to them, "Hey, guys."

Lee stopped what he was doing right now and looked at Jack, "Morning, Jack."

"Need any help?" Jack offered his help to them as Kenny and Doug followed Lee's example and stopped what they were doing as well, now glancing at Jack.

Doug smiled at Jack's offer, "I wouldn't mind that."

"Me too. Having another body would make this go a lot quicker." Kenny smiled, accepting Jack's offer as well.

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