∞ ₒ ˚ ° 𐐒 falling in love ∞ ₒ ˚ ° 𐐒

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When I hold you close to me

I could always see a house by the ocean

And last night I could hear the waves

As I heard you say, "all that I want to be yours"

Falling in love,

Falling in love

Deeper than I've felt it before with you, baby

I feel I'm falling in love with all my heart


"She's simply the best person I've ever met!" Itadori gushes, eyes gleaming with stars as he exhales a dreamy sigh.

Megumi was simply trying to get his work completed before the school day was done. He found comfort in silence, but also, surprisingly, in the presence of his seatmate Itadori. Megumi has known Itadori-san for almost a year now. He had transferred to the school in the middle of last year, knowing not a single soul, and somehow made it his mission to befriend Megumi.

Megumi was hardly what one would deem as a sociable person. He preferred to keep to himself, but that didn't stop Itadori Yuji from befriending him. Itadori had a personable and bright personality—a little loud for Megumi's preference, but that didn't stop him from allowing the pink haired boy to stick to his side like glue.

There were moments where Megumi almost felt a magnetic pull toward Itadori, as if being within his orbit somehow compelled the dark haired boy to constantly remain beside him. Megumi always chalked it up to it being the friendly nature of Itadori, but surely there was more to it, right?

"Who are you referring to?" Megumi asks in a bland tone, hoping his friend could catch the hint. To his dismay, Itadori doesn't.

"Ozawa-chan of course!" He remarks brightly.

Megumi's inner voice repeats the honorific "chan" with slight distaste. He despised how Itadori could toss around those terms so easily. Unlike Megumi, Itadori befriended everyone so easily. Sometimes, to Megumi's horror, the guy would overlook the use of honorifics altogether. It grated on Megumi's nerves, but no one else seemed to mind it much. 

"You knew her from middle school, right?" Megumi asks curiously.

He can't explain why Itadori's interest in Ozawa-san bothers him, but it does. Megumi isn't a territorial person, and in no way feels like he needs to keep Itadori to himself, but there is some unexplainable sensation that stirs within him whenever the pink haired boy brings her name up. Itadori has never showed romantic interest in her, but the mere thought has Megumi grimacing. 

"Yeah, she was quiet even back then." Itadori explains with a slight shrug of his shoulders. "She's so elegant in a lot of things she does. Did you know that Ozawa was part of the calligraphy club?"

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