XI- life changing decision

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That night, (Y/n) laid on her bed in the darkness, completely lost.

She had bargained her last hopes of finding Grey on these stupid documents only for them to lead her right back to square one, with no information as to where her sister was. Hell, apparently Grey hadn't even stepped foot in the Uninfected Shelter at all. All along, (Y/n) had been putting all her energy and focus in the wrong place and had lost precious time in saving Grey.

A lonely tear rolled down her cheek as she stared up at the ceiling of the bedroom she had learned to call hers over the last few days.

Was Grey okay? Was she scared?

More importantly, was there even a point in staying in the city to search for her anymore, considering the lack of clues (Y/n) possessed? Tobias had portrayed the US as being the only place (Y/n) would be able to find Grey, so if Grey had never been there in the first place, was there even a point in staying in the city?

The thought didn't sit well with (Y/n). She couldn't just give up on her sister, could she? Grey would have never given up on her.

(Y/n) had trouble imagining that her sister could ever be afraid of anything. Grey had always been the courageous one between the two of them. The fearless one. (Y/n)'s guiding light in the darkness and the protective arms that wrapped around her in the middle of the night when she woke up from a nightmare.

"Shh, it's alright, peanut. Am here, 'kay?" Grey whispered in her ear, combing her fingers through (Y/n)'s hair. "It was just a nightmare."

But now, (Y/n) was lying in bed alone with no one to comfort her but herself.

Is she even alive?

Yes. Grey had to be alive, she had to be somewhere in this city. Because if she wasn't, (Y/n) didn't know what she'd become. The thought of a life without her sister sent a bitter taste to the back of her throat and had her heart squeezing painfully in her chest.

Without Grey, (Y/n) would be so... lonely. Completely and utterly lonely.

It was a pathetic realization to come to, really. Back when it had only been her and Grey, (Y/n) had never realized how reliant she was on Grey for company and friendship, for love and affection. But now that she found herself alone and with the hanging possibility of never seeing her sister again, (Y/n) had to face it.

Without Grey, she had no one. And part of (Y/n) hated to think that maybe this was why she was so adamant on finding her sister, to think that maybe the reason she ached to find Grey was less out of love for her sister and more out of a selfish desire not to be alone.

I'm really so fucking pitiful.

(Y/n) swallowed back the tight knot forming at the back of her throat, shame crawling up the back of her neck.

Grey had always been independent, her own person. But the more she thought about it, the more (Y/n) realized that in comparison to her sister, she had never learned to be her own person. Unlike Grey, (Y/n) had never had her own friends to go out with, had never had the freedom of doing what she wanted and finding herself. In fact, (Y/n) had always lived her life through Grey. By proxy.

And as terrifying a thought it was, (Y/n)'s days in the city had in fact been her freest days. The only days in her life she had been able to do what she wanted and go where she wanted. It was quite ironic, considering the city had every potential of becoming her worst nightmare. Yet, when she thought about it, (Y/n) was way more afraid of going back home alone and continuing her life as she had lived it up until now, than staying in the city.

A humorless chuckle fell from her lips at the thought.

Had she lost it? No Uninfected in their right mind would ever think this. No Uninfected in their right mind would possibly think about prolonging their stay in the city, hell, no Uninfected would have ever come to the city in the first place. And yet, there she was, thinking about staying in the city.

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