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"i should major in nursing at this point, since i'm always fixing you up," a girl snorted. she was standing over a male, who's appealing face was bruised and bloodied, seemingly from a fight.

"maybe you should, you're already good at this." the beaten male grinned with his busted lip making the girl's eyes roll. she continued to dab alcohol on the several cuts and bruises on his chest and face, trying to be careful since he was wincing from the stinging. she plastered several bandages all over him before finishing up and giving him a light playful slap on his cheek.

"thanks y/n, appreciate you every time," he thanked his friend as he stood up from the bench he sat on, throwing a arm around his friend's shoulders.

"yeah yeah- let's go already i'm hungry." she huffed. he picked up his duffel bag that had boxing gloves dangling off the handle, decorated with little girl stickers, like unicorns and rainbows. they walked out the musty locker room, out into the arena's empty hallways to walk out into day's end where the sky was now dark but the city's life was still active.

"let's go to that one bar yauro, i wanna try today's special!" y/n shook her friend who groaned.

"whatever, let's go," yauro rolled his eyes this time to the girl, shaking his head with a small smile. the two shifted their path from the sidewalk to a line of alleyways, navigating them with ease. they took that shortcut to their favorite back alley bar, not a place many knew of. they heard distant music, a sign they were getting closer to the place of choice. something about the bar though was, it was a hot spot for villains, dealers, and all the sorts. all kinds of people frequented the bar except for heroes of course.

the two reached the metal entrance of the bar, greeted by a large lizard bodyguard with a stern face and posture. "hey lonny, how are you?," y/n asked the large man, a conniving smile on her face.

"i'm alright. you and hanso?" the two friends gave a thumbs down to the man who nodded with a huff, opening the creaky metal door and letting the bar's lights and sound spill out from behind. the musky smell of beer and cigarettes lingered in the air as they walked in, greeted by several different men and women that knew the two in a way. they approached the mostly full bar, taking two empty seats that were beside each other. one of the two bartenders working approached the two, holding empty glasses in his hands.

"kinoshita, what can i get you two tonight?" the bartender seemed familiar with the girl, placing down the two prepped glasses on the counter.

"give us tonight's special yeah? yauro won his match today so he needs a drink!" y/n boasted to the bartender who laughed as he prepared their drinks. sweet lemonade mixed with several alcoholic drinks, a salty rim and a strawberry slice topped on the rim as well. the bartender served the two glasses, earning a groan from yauro.

"why does this feel so giirlyy," yauro complained, grabbing the glass and swirling the liquid around.

"you complain too much- just drink it." y/n jokingly glared, taking a sip of the sweet drink. she removed the strawberry, tossing it into her mouth to pair it. she hummed in approval, the bitter taste of the lemonade and alcohol was washed out by the sweetness of the strawberry. yauro reluctantly followed her actions, enjoying the drink against his will.

"well, isn't it my favorite vigilante for hire?" a smooth male voice spoke from behind y/n, making her turn around with a eyebrow raised. she quickly lowered her brow after seeing who it was, another grin putting itself on her face.

"giran, didn't expect to see you here!" she shook the man's hand, crossing her legs as they began to have a conversation.

"if you want, i have a new job for you?" giran offered, quirking y/n's interest.

"yeah? with who? no more creeps though, please."

"heard of the league of villains yet? they're looking for some new recruits for a mission." y/n's brows furrowed as she recalled some old news from a while ago. she had heard they attacked her alma mater, u.a.

"yeah, i have actually. i'll think about the offer, when does it expire?" she tapped her nails against the bar counter in thought, waiting for giran's response.

"2 days. i'd like to hear your answer by tomorrow night though, since i'm taking two others to meet their leader at that time."

"hm. maybe i'll just do it then! where do i find you tomorrow?" y/n took another sip of her alcoholic drink, her mouth twitching from the bitterness.

"the usual place at 7 pm. see you there," giran tipped his hat, walking away and disappearing in the crowd.

"league of villains huh? what if they're gonna try to attack u.a. again?" yauro let out his concerns, raising a eyebrow curiously at the girl's decision.

"I won't get in any trouble. i'm a pro, yauro. you know this." she replied in a serious tone, side-eyeing the man as she took another sip.

"yeah, yeah. just saying, they might recognize you." he worried, making y/n sigh.

"how the hell are they gonna recognize me yauro, be real. they chose not to put me in the hero course back then, they kept me in fucking general studies! no matter how many times i tried, they knew what i could do and just put me down. it's whatever though, nothing to get too mad over." y/n slapped her forehead after her short outburst, gulping down the rest of her drink with narrowed eyes. she called over the bartender, handing him her empty glass. "vodka shots please."

an hour and 7 shots later, yauro walked a drunk y/n home while she slurred and rambled. it was the late hours of midnight so the city life was quite lively and rowdy. the two reached their apartment building, walking up the stairs carefully so y/n wouldn't fall. yauro lifted her doormat, grabbing the key and opening her door for her as she rested on her comfortable red couch. he told her goodnight before walking out and locking her door, opening the apartment next to hers where he lived. tomorrow would be another day.

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