| The Awakening

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Harry Potter awoke with a start, his heart pounding against his ribcage as if it were trying to escape. Sweat clung to his skin, and he could still hear the echoes of hissing in his ears. For the past few nights, his dreams had been invaded by serpentine whispers and shadows that coiled around him like living chains. He sat up in bed, trying to shake off the lingering sense of dread.

As he pushed back the covers, Harry noticed something strange. His skin seemed to shimmer in the moonlight filtering through the curtains, an iridescent sheen that hadn't been there before. He frowned, rubbing his arm as if the oddity would disappear with enough friction. But it didn't. If anything, the sensation intensified, and he felt a strange warmth spreading through his veins.

He knew he had to talk to someone about this. The first person that came to mind was Hermione Granger. She was always buried in books and might have an explanation for whatever was happening to him. Throwing on a robe, Harry made his way to the common room where he found Hermione curled up in a chair, a thick tome balanced on her knees.

"Hermione," he called softly, not wanting to startle her.

She looked up, her eyes widening at the sight of him. "Harry, what happened? You look... different."

Harry sighed and sat down opposite her. "I don't know. I've been having these weird dreams, and now my skin looks... well, like this." He held out his arm for her to see.

Hermione leaned in, her eyes narrowing in concentration. "This looks like some kind of magical transformation. Have you experienced any other changes? Feelings, abilities, anything unusual?"

Harry nodded. "I've been hearing hissing in my dreams. And sometimes, when I'm awake, I can almost understand it."

Hermione's eyes widened. "Harry, this might be a creature inheritance. Some magical families have dormant traits that can manifest under certain conditions. We need to look into your family history."

"But I don't know anything about my family beyond my parents," Harry replied, frustration evident in his voice.

Hermione gave him a reassuring smile. "We'll figure it out together. Let's start with some research in the library tomorrow. For now, try to get some rest."

Harry nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. As he made his way back to his dormitory, he couldn't shake the feeling that his life was about to change in ways he could never have imagined.

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