✨ Chapter Fourteen | The Twisted Surprise

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-- Andrew --

On Friday afternoon, Sam texted me to confirm she was free next weekend. She'd picked a time and place to meet Vince: 8 p.m., sushi, next Saturday.

The camping trip was tomorrow, and I planned to set it all up with Vince then... surprise him with a reunion he didn't see coming.

This was it.

Before I knew it, Vince and Sam would be a couple again. Things would change. I'd have to say goodbye to single Vince and accept that he might finally get the fresh start he deserved. A chance to redo Hawaii. To celebrate an anniversary. Maybe even get married again, have a few more kids if that was what he wanted.

He could start over.

I'd noticed something off with him lately, like a shadow following him around, and I hoped this could fix it... fix what I ruined.

I set my phone down beside me on the yoga mat and lay flat on my back, staring up at the ceiling of the empty studio. The stillness should have calmed me, but instead, it gave space for the thoughts I didn't want to entertain.

This was still tearing me up inside.

A small, stubborn voice whispered in the back of my mind, telling me to stop. To call the whole thing off. But I knew better. That voice was selfish, fueled by fear and jealousy. If Vince didn't want to be with me, then I didn't want him to be with anyone at all... and how was that fair?

Sam was kind. She was good for Vince. I liked her. He'd been happy with her once, and I had to believe he could be again.

This was for the best.

Maybe if I could fix this, it would make me feel a little less like the idiot who'd broken them up in the first place.

⏳ • • • • • ⏳

"Hey! Andrew!"

I was nursing a La Croix in a koozie at the far end of the campsite, chatting with Gary and Frank, when I spotted a familiar figure approaching. Her jewelry-adorned dreadlocks were unmistakable: Cynthia.


She returned my grin. "Sorry I had to leave so soon on the last camping trip, but I'm stoked to finally see you in person again..." She fumbled with something in the pocket of her thick jacket before pulling out a business card.

"Vince has been bugging me to connect with you for weeks now, but I haven't had the time to call. I'm actually in commercial real estate, he told me you were planning to open a yoga studio?"

My eyes lit up. "Oh! Yeah! I mean, one day... I have a handful of private clients right now, and I do online group classes in the afternoons. Plus, I teach at a few different studios when I can fit it in."

"You sound busy. I'm guessing that means you're pretty good?"

I shrugged modestly, but she laughed, handing me her card.

Before I could say more, Aubrey suddenly popped up between us, his small frame somehow wedged perfectly in the space.

Aubrey wasn't actually that short... he was about five-seven. It was just that everyone else in the group was tall and seemed to tower over him, which made him appear smaller by comparison. Honestly, maybe Gary needed to recruit fewer giants into his friend group...

Still, Aubrey hadn't rejoined the group chat, and I could tell he was still feeling down. 

I'd been sticking close to him most of the evening, determined to keep my promise to watch over him. So far, so good... Eli had been keeping his distance, parked next to Vince by the fire, and the night had been mercifully drama-free.

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