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Derek Hale sighs out, him throwing a gun from his palms on the table in front of her at the loft. "I hate relying on these things."

"It sucks without having your power to back you up, i'd feel empty without my power if it was all gone, trust me." Sabrina states.

"It isn't about the power, it's about being able to help, i'd feel useless." Derek depressingly says.

"I'd rather not think about how it'll feel to be useless." Sabrina sighs out.

"I, uh–––i don't think we're talking about the same thing." Derek lightly chuckles.

"Do you...do you really think that you're not coming back?" Sabrina nervously asks.

"I will, but, not alive." Derek responds.

"Well, if you feel so, then, i have the power to bring you back." Sabrina says, smiling at him.

"I am not okay with you doing that, i don't want that to happen, not when consequences are–––not exactly something that will light up your life." Derek softly says, but his facials expression seemed stern.

"This is all Braeden left? Is it enough to destroy a Berserker?" Sabrina curiously asks, looking down at the weapons.

"Not quite." Peter dramatically says, walking inside the loft.

Sabrina sighs out, her then looking over at Derek. "Does he always have to be so dramatic?"

"Should've met him in 2003." Derek scoffs, remembering how annoying his uncle used to be.

"And, he'd appreciate if he wasn't talked to as if he wasn't in the room." Peter sarcastically says.

"Peter, hi!" Sabrina turned around, sarcastically smile, giving him a wave.

Peter hums. "Funny."

"But, seriously, you're going to need all the help you can get, Liam, Malia, Rena..." Peter trails off, his eyes looking over at the dark orbed girl. "Ready for this?"

"My battery's completely charged." Sabrina grins.

"Perfect." Peter states. "And, you're going to need me as well."


"Are we really bringing him?" Derek sighs out, looking at Stiles.

Stiles looks over at Peter in a distrustful way. "Are we really bringing him?"

Peter ignored Stiles. "We're bringing everyone we can, and considering Kate took them during the Full Moon, we should get going."

Malia frowns at him. "What does that mean?"

"If Kate took him back to the same temple where she took Derek, then how are we so sure that she isn't planning on doing the same thing?" Peter asks.

"To make him younger?" Liam asks.

"Or, take him back when he wasn't a Werewolf." Derek states.

"A Werewolf can't steal a True Alpha's power, but maybe a Nagual Jaguar with the power of Tezcatlipoca behind her–––maybe, she can." Peter says.

"...so, if everyone's sufficiently freaked out, we should probably get going." Peter states.

"Not without Lydia." Stiles sternly says.

"If she has a car, then she could catch up to us." Braeden suggests.

Peter impatiently agrees. "We can call her from the road."

WITCHES IN BEACON HILLS,  TEEN WOLFWhere stories live. Discover now